Mom Left in Tears on Reading a Stranger’s Note Who Paid for Her Daughter’s Birthday Cake

Mom Left in Tears on Reading a Stranger’s Note Who Paid for Her Daughter’s Birthday Cake
Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet

A mother from Texas found herself on the receiving end of an unexpected act of kindness when she went to pick up her daughter’s birthday cake from a local supermarket. Not only had the cake been paid for by a generous stranger, but the unknown person’s reason for doing so was truly heartbreaking.

On Feb. 22, 2020, mom of two Holly Grimet dropped into a Kroger supermarket in Alvin, Texas, to pick up a cake and cupcakes for her daughter Eva’s eighth birthday pool party. To her surprise, instead of a bill, Holly was handed an anonymous handwritten note by the store’s bakery staff.

The note was from a mother mourning the loss of her son, who would have been 8 years old that same day.

Holly Grimet with her two daughters. (Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>)
Holly Grimet with her two daughters. Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet
As per KHOU 11, bakery staff told Holly that they had never seen the customer before. “I said, ‘Oh really, did she know me?’” Holly explained to Fox News. “[The staff member] said, ‘No, but she left a note and we’ve all read it,’” the mom added.
Staff gently warned Holly that the note may make her cry, and their suspicions were true. Holly later took to Facebook to share the handwritten note’s touching message.
The heartwarming note that left Holly teary-eyed. (Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>)
The heartwarming note that left Holly teary-eyed. Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet

“My son Nehemiah would be 8 years old today,” the note began. “I wanted to remember my son by doing good to others. I hope you enjoy your child’s cake and I hope your day is special.”

“Hold your baby a little tighter today,” the note asked of Holly, “watch them as they play, be patient with them, kiss their sweet little hand and tell them how much you love them. Our children are such special gifts!”

“Hope your day is beautiful,” the message concluded, adding a moving sign-off: “Much love from me and my angel in heaven to your family.”

Eva and her sister at her pool party. (Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>)
Eva and her sister at her pool party. Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet

Holly was immensely touched by the stranger’s thoughtful gesture and described herself as “a crying mess” on social media. She was also moved by the coincidence of her own daughter turning 8 on the very same day as the benefactor’s son.

Holly shared that both the note and the gesture was a gift. “[I] need to cherish every birthday, every celebration,” Holly explained, as per KHOU 11. “Even though I didn’t want to throw a birthday party. I’m so glad I did.”
Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>
Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet

Holly, who was earlier reluctant in throwing a birthday party, told Fox News: “I didn’t want to throw a birthday party because there are so many expectations as a mom to have everything perfect and spend so much money, and celebrating the child gets lost in everything.”

In giving in and throwing a party for her 8-year-old daughter, Holly reflected, she had been given a “life lesson.”

As per Click 2 Houston, Holly immediately paid it forward by paying for another child’s birthday cake at the Kroger bakery counter. Holly had also hoped that by sharing her experience on social media, she would find Nehemiah’s mother and be able to thank her in person.
Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>
Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet

Reflecting on the entire incident, Holly said: “I don’t ever think of losing either one of my babies, ever, and I can’t imagine how this mother must feel. I would never think to go and do something good.”

Despite Holly’s attempt to locate the generous mother, her identity remains a mystery. The mom of two nonetheless vowed to hug her own children a little longer in honor of Nehemiah and his mother.

Photo courtesy of <a href="">Holly Grimet</a>
Photo courtesy of Holly Grimet
“Ya’ll, this is how kindness works,” Holly later wrote, sharing her heartwarming experience on Love What Matters. “We spread the good deeds to rid out all the hate.”

“We have no idea what people are going through,” she added. “Just give a smile, if nothing else.”

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