6-Year-Old Saves Life of Substitute Teacher Who Falls and Cracks Skull During Kindergarten Class

6-Year-Old Saves Life of Substitute Teacher Who Falls and Cracks Skull During Kindergarten Class
(Courtesy of Joyce Darr)

When a substitute teacher had a fall and hit her head during her kindergartner class, every student stood shocked. That is, every child apart from one “tiny hero” who rushed to get help and in turn saved the woman’s life. The gratefulness and recognition the boy received as a result is incredibly touching.

It was August 2019, and the school year had only started two weeks earlier. Joyce Darr was teaching a class at Frostproof Elementary School in Polk County, Florida. One of the children accidentally “bumped into her, and she’s 67 years old, she lost her balance, and she fell over and cracked her head,” the woman’s son, Derek Darr, explained, according to Fox13 News.
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=122628945770141&set=ecnf.100040691077633&type=3&theater">Darr Derek</a>)
(Courtesy of Darr Derek)

While most of the class stood stupefied at the sight of their unconscious teacher, one of the 6-year-olds, Max Aguilar, took immediate action. The little boy ran to the nearest classroom and sounded the alarm. Paramedics were called, and Mrs. Darr had to be airlifted to Lakeland Regional Hospital.

The substitute teacher had suffered severe injuries. Her son told Fox 13 News that she had a fractured skull and brain bleed. The poor woman was put on life support, and it took her nearly two weeks to regain consciousness. However, if not for the quick thinking of little Max, she likely would not have survived her fall. “It’s a miracle, and if it wasn’t for Max she'd be dead, no doubt about it,” Derek said.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=117238959642473&set=ecnf.100040691077633&type=3&theater">Darr Derek</a>)
(Courtesy of Darr Derek)
As a thank you for his heroic act, Derek gifted little Max with a brand-new pair of Air Jordan sneakers. “He loved them, he thanked me, he hugged me,” the man recalled, according to ABC News. He took a photo of the touching moment and posted it on Facebook. “You will forever be family Max. I love you forever for this lil man! Thank you thank you thank you,” the heartfelt post read.
However, the recognition didn’t stop there. Sheriff Grady Judd presented the little boy with a good-citizen award and a brand-new bicycle “at the elementary in front of all of his peers,” Judd stated in a video posted on the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The clip shows Max receiving his award as the sheriff tells him, “That’s yours for doing good.”
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=121815142518188&set=a.105098690856500&type=3&theater">Darr Derek</a>)
(Courtesy of Darr Derek)
Max’s mom, Monica Aguilar, couldn’t be any happier about her son’s sharp wit that saved his teacher’s life. “For me, it was very, very exciting. I’m proud, you know, to be his mom!” She told ABC News. “He’s my baby. He’s always been my hero. But now, for everybody else.”

The child himself seemed a bit camera shy during his ABC interview and said, “They did call me a hero,” before adorably referring to himself as a “superhero!”

Joyce Darr could have lost her life while at work in front of a whole classroom full of children. However, thanks to the quick-witted actions of a 6-year-old, she survived. Despite his small size, Max is indeed a worthy example to be followed.

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