‘To have hope is a wonderful thing,’ Long Island Lawyer Says

Mr. Briggs came to see the Chinese New Year Splendor performance with Ms. Brown on Saturday afternoon. The performance, by the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Touring Company, is part of a two-day New York City tour from Jan. 3 to Jan. 4.
‘To have hope is a wonderful thing,’ Long Island Lawyer Says
Mr. Briggs, a Long Island lawyers, praised the DPA performance on Jan. 3 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/mrbriggs3_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/mrbriggs3_medium.jpg" alt="Mr. Briggs, a Long Island lawyers, praised the DPA performance on Jan. 3 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Briggs, a Long Island lawyers, praised the DPA performance on Jan. 3 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-78896"/></a>
Mr. Briggs, a Long Island lawyers, praised the DPA performance on Jan. 3 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)
NEW YORK—Mr. Briggs came to see the Chinese New Year Splendor performance with Ms. Brown on Saturday afternoon. The performance, by the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Touring Company, is part of a two-day New York City tour from Jan. 3 to Jan. 4.

Brown is a supervisor at a healthcare agency, and Briggs is a lawyer from Long Island, a suburb of New York City.

It was Brown’s third year watching DPA perform.

“I loved the graphics, I loved the performance,” she said. “It was spectacular. I really enjoyed it.”

Saturday was Briggs’ first time attending the performance. “But it definitely won’t be the last,” he said.

Brown was impressed by the overall quality of the traditional Chinese performing arts displayed by DPA.

“The costumes are really, really elegant,” she raved. “The work, the performance, the action—it has no comparison.”

“I especially enjoyed the spring flowers performance, where the fans they were using turned into a flower,” Briggs said referring to the dance “Welcoming Spring.”

‘Magic was holding it up’

“The cloth they use was just so beautiful, and some of it looked as if magic was holding it up. The costumes were very effective.”

Briggs was also impressed by the dance “Monk Ji Gong Abducts the Bride.” “The monk was very expressive,” he said, referring to dancer’s movements and gestures. “His dance was one of the best in that you didn’t have to know the story to understand what he was doing.”

“I must say that the singers were excellent, especially the last tenor [prior to intermission, Zheng Ning],” Briggs said. “He has a very rich and powerful voice. He filled the room without needing amplification, which is always a sign of an excellent singer.”

Both of them felt the message conveyed by the singers were uplifting and positive, especially given the circumstances and the pessimism prevalent in today’s society.

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/msbrownG_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/msbrownG_medium.jpg" alt="Ms. Brown, a supervisor at a healthcare agency, came to see the show for the third straight year. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Brown, a supervisor at a healthcare agency, came to see the show for the third straight year. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-78897"/></a>
Ms. Brown, a supervisor at a healthcare agency, came to see the show for the third straight year. (Mingguo Sun/Epoch Times)
Working in Manhattan and visiting the N.Y. courthouses, I see a lot of people practicing Tai Chi and Falun Gong,” Briggs said.

“You can tell from the words of the song how instructive the songs were. The lyrics of the song were very expressive and emotional, and promised better things in a better world to come. And I think that’s a good thing, especially in these times, which are so uncertain. To have something like that, it’s a good experience.”

“In one of the pieces, it said that you may not get your reward here, but there’s a better time after life, when you will get your reward,” Briggs said. “In these uncertain times—with the economy and the wars—to have hope is a wonderful thing. Without hope you cannot look forward to anything.”

Brown agreed. “There’s nothing negative about the show, all positive,” she added. “There are subtitles, and they were positive messages, very uplifting, especially for this time of the year—it was appropriate for the New Year.”

I will try to get some people to come to the show tomorrow’

Briggs thoroughly enjoyed his experience, and said he would bring more people to see the shows.

“There’s another show tomorrow and I will try to get some people to come to the show tomorrow. Then there are shows on the 24th and the 25th at Radio City Music Hall and I already have two people in mind that I can bring to that one,” Briggs said.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
For more information please see DivinePerformingArts.org

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