Lemon Balm Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Lemon Balm Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure
(GreenArt Photography/Shutterstock)

Lemon balm is an aromatic herb whose leaves contain a variety of aromatic essential oils. It has been used since ancient times for its soothing, calming properties. It was traditionally known as the scholar’s herb, as it was taken by students to overcome the stress of impending exams.

Lemon balm has a sedative action to reduce stress, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, headache, and insomnia and to promote sleep. It is widely used to ease a number of stress-related symptoms, including digestive problems, nausea, flatulence, and depression.

When combined with valerian, the two herbs work in synergy to reduce symptoms of tension and mild depression. They have a gentle lowering effect on the raised blood pressure that often accompanies stress.

Lemon balm tea is popularly used to stimulate appetite. It may cause mild drowsiness that will affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.

Dr. Sarah Brewer is a medical nutritionist, nutritional therapist, and the author of more than 60 popular health books. This article was originally published on MyLowerBloodPressure.com Twitter: @DrSarahBHealthy

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