Kindhearted Man Takes Off His Shirt and Gives It to a Stray Dog Shivering in the Cold

Kindhearted Man Takes Off His Shirt and Gives It to a Stray Dog Shivering in the Cold
Courtesy of Felipe Gabriel
Daksha Devnani
This story was last updated in October 2020.

A small and simple act of kindness can end up making a huge difference. A selfless man is being lauded by many for taking the shirt off his back and giving it to a shivering, lonely stray dog.

On a chilly day, two brothers, Fernando Gabriel and Felipe, were at a busy subway station in São Paulo, Brazil, when a dog sitting next to the ticket counter by the wall drew Felipe’s attention toward it.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Felipe Gabriel</a>)
Courtesy of Felipe Gabriel
Upon seeing the dog shivering on the “coldest day of the year” according to Gabriel, notes The Dodo, Felipe was moved and wanted to do something to help.

Felipe put down his backpack and removed his sweatshirt. Puzzled by what his brother was doing, Gabriel decided to film the moment. Felipe then took off the shirt he was wearing inside and put it over the dog in an attempt to warm it up.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Felipe Gabriel</a>)
Courtesy of Felipe Gabriel

“He did it spontaneously. It was very moving,” Gabriel told The Dodo, alluding to the special moment.

Touched by the sweet act, Gabriel decided to post the video on Facebook, writing, “I rarely post anything to my feed, but it [sic] deserves to be shared.”

Since the heartwarming video was posted in August, it has taken the internet by storm, amassing over 19,000 reactions and some 2,800 comments with netizens praising the kindhearted deed.

“This one deserves God’s love,” wrote one social media user.

“I would love to meet this guy to congratulate him on the act of love and affection for animals,” another social media user added.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Felipe Gabriel</a>)
Courtesy of Felipe Gabriel
Felipe later shared on a Facebook post that the shirt he put around the dog was actually one of his favorites. However, he added that “it looks better on him.”
According to The Dodo, that day, as both the brothers returned after their trip to the subway station and looked around to find the canine with the intention to take it back home with them, the dog was nowhere in sight. Perhaps it had moved away after feeling a little warmer.

Felipe said although he regrets not being able to do more for the poor pooch that day, he hopes that others can get inspired by his small gesture and carry the act of kindness forward.

“There is no way to change the world—but for the things in your reach, you can,” he said.

Watch the heartwarming video:

(Courtesy of Felipe Gabriel)
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