Homeless Neighbors Leave Handmade Card on Woman’s Porch to Thank Her for ‘Sharing Garden’

Homeless Neighbors Leave Handmade Card on Woman’s Porch to Thank Her for ‘Sharing Garden’
Courtesy of HeatherPdx

After planting a “sharing garden” on a patch of land in front of her home, this woman from Oregon hoped to share a little love, and fresh produce, with her homeless neighbors. A few years later, she has received a heartfelt token of gratitude for her effort.

When a handmade card showed up on her front porch on Oct. 23, Heather Jones, of Portland, took to Reddit to share her surprise.
Heather Jones with her handmade card. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/HeatherPdx/posts/">HeatherPdx</a>)
Heather Jones with her handmade card. Courtesy of HeatherPdx

“I am completely overwhelmed y'all,” Heather began. “Tears rolling down my face overwhelmed.”

“A handful of years ago I created a sharing garden out front of my house for my neighbors to enjoy,” she explained. “Well, today, this card showed up on my front porch.”

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/HeatherPdx/posts/">HeatherPdx</a>)
Courtesy of HeatherPdx

The card was adorned with a painting of Heather’s garden, replete with tomatoes and a bean teepee. Inside, Heather read “the sweetest words of gratitude” from her “houseless” neighbors.

The most prominent handwritten message reads, “Your garden supplies food for many lives when we don’t know where our next meal will come from. The number of lives you touch are more than you could imagine.”

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/HeatherPdx/posts/">HeatherPdx</a>)
Courtesy of HeatherPdx

Heather blurred names to protect her neighbors’ anonymity and posted photos of the thoughtful card on Reddit.

“I never knew when I started this garden that it would touch so many people,” Heather reflected. “I am floored and so grateful for this gift they made for me and the effort they put into it.”

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/HeatherPdx/posts/">HeatherPdx</a>)
Courtesy of HeatherPdx

Amid tough times, job losses, and evictions, owing to these unprecedented times, Heather reasoned, people are struggling. “Although, this act of thoughtfulness fills me with so much hope. ... I am not posting this to brag about ‘look what I did,’ but as a reminder of ‘look what YOU can do,’” she wrote.

Heather’s heartwarming story struck a chord with many netizens, amassing hundreds of comments and 97 percent upvotes.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/HeatherPdx/posts/">HeatherPdx</a>)
Courtesy of HeatherPdx
“Thank you for sharing, I’m inspired to do more myself!” wrote one Reddit user.
“There’s always something small we can do to help others,” Heather replied. “I hope you find your small somethings.”

Heather ended her anecdote with a shout-out to the person who left the card on her porch. “[P]lease come back sometime,” she implored. “I would love to thank you in person.”

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