Former Dancer Enthralled by Cultural and Spirutual Values of Shen Yun

Feb 19, 2017
Former Dancer Enthralled by Cultural and Spirutual Values of Shen Yun

“I love knowing there’s a school that is continuing the posterity of the Chinese culture. I think it’s well rehearsed, beautiful—their movement is so fluid!”

“The effects were great, the concept of taking us to different places using the video media [digital backdrop] is great. I love it. It’s clever—to be able to fly!”

“There’s not a dancer that wouldn’t be absolutely excited and enthralled to watch it. I would tell people that teach university students—not only is this dance, But it’s culture, spiritual value as to who you are as a person … and and not just what it means to you but what it means to an entire culture of people, and why it’s important—you have to see what’s happening in the world.”

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