Energetic Puppy That Failed Two Rehoming Attempts Finds His Calling in the Police Force

Energetic Puppy That Failed Two Rehoming Attempts Finds His Calling in the Police Force
Courtesy of Northumbria Police

An abandoned puppy that was returned to an animal shelter twice by potential adopters has finally found his true calling: He’s joining the police force.

After failed attempts of being rehomed and struggling to adapt to a comfortable house environment, the staff at the Newcastle Cat and Dog Shelter (NCDS) in Longbenton, England, feared that Rolo, a 17-month-old Springador puppy, might never find the perfect home.

“Once he came back to our rehoming center and his behavior in foster care was discussed, it became apparent to the staff very quickly that Rolo wasn’t cut out to be a pet,” NCDS Animal Welfare Manager Anjuli Hakin said, according to a Facebook post.
Rolo the puppy with his handler, Police C0nstable Dave Robinson. (Courtesy of <a href="https://beta.northumbria.police.uk/">Northumbria Police</a>)
Rolo the puppy with his handler, Police C0nstable Dave Robinson. Courtesy of Northumbria Police

Rolo, driven by food, toys, and active stimulation, “needed more out of life.” Both trial homes had reported that the energetic pup couldn’t relax in an indoor environment.

The shelter later decided to reach out to Northumbria Police to see if he could make a career in the uniform.

The police department quickly saw potential in Rolo, enrolling him in their specialist puppy program. The pup was introduced to his new handler, Police Constable Dave Robinson, in the middle of January.

After his recruitment, Northumbria Police wrote on Facebook: “An abandoned puppy who was told he was too ‘boisterous’ to be a family pet has been rescued by our officers, so he can spend his life fighting crime.”
(Courtesy of <a href="https://beta.northumbria.police.uk/">Northumbria Police</a>)
Courtesy of Northumbria Police

Praising the pup, who will live with Robinson and his family, the force explained that Rolo’s high energy levels and craving for mental stimulation are “great attributes of a working dog.”

After mastering the basics, Rolo will learn how to behave with crowds and follow commands, and will enroll in the police force’s “initial detection course,” where he will be taught to detect drugs, money, and illegal weapons.

Netizens supported their local police welcoming the former shelter pup into the fold with open arms, including one of Rolo’s potential adopters.

The Springador pup was returned twice to the Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter in Longbenton, England, by potential adopters. (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@55.017555,-1.5848624,3a,90y,289.58h,82.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sb3peKLjXxRsQIuje-xE3fA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656">Google Maps</a>)
The Springador pup was returned twice to the Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter in Longbenton, England, by potential adopters. Screenshot/Google Maps

“This is amazing news,” they commented, “we were one of the families who had the pleasure of meeting Rolo.

“We are experienced dog owners and it was obvious to us very quickly he needed more in his life than a home environment could give him,” they explained, “he was far too intelligent to be a pet. So happy for you, Rolo.”

“We are just glad we have been able to give him a loving home,” Robinson told Chronicle Live, “and we would encourage anyone looking for a new pet to consider visiting your local animal shelter first.”

Rolo’s future in the force, said Hakin, is looking “very bright.”

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