Tainan County Magistrate: ‘DPA performances would have a good effect on relieving stress’

DPS Tainan County magistrate and his wife attend the show.
Tainan County Magistrate: ‘DPA performances would have a good effect on relieving stress’
Tainan County Magistrate Su and his wife at DPA in Tainan The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Su.jpg" alt="Tainan County Magistrate Su and his wife at DPA in Tainan (The Epoch Times)" title="Tainan County Magistrate Su and his wife at DPA in Tainan (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830188"/></a>
Tainan County Magistrate Su and his wife at DPA in Tainan (The Epoch Times)
TAINAN, Taiwan—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) International Company’s fourth show in Tainan was still very popular. Among the audience members were Mr. Su Huanzhi, Magistrate of Tainan County, and his wife, who came to the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center on the afternoon of Feb. 22 to watch the show. After watching the performance, Magistrate Su said that as the entire world was affected by the ongoing economic downturn, DPA show would be a good spiritual healing remedy to ease people’s frustration.  

He expressed that it was his second time to see the DPA show and said: “The program was perfectly arranged. The show covered a wide range of aspects of Chinese culture. What’s really good was that the show demonstrated the intrinsic essence of traditional music and dance.

“The show got across the message about respect for gods and Buddhas in the form of arts. In fact, it is a very good approach to combine the promotion of Buddha Fa with arts, as it would have positive effect on upgrading beliefs and arts to a new dimension. In addition to help foreigners know the Buddha Fa, they can also get more into Chinese culture.”
He added that in the past it was very rare to wonderfully demonstrate the Buddha Fa in the form of arts. DPA’s creative approach might attract more young people and others from different ethnic groups to understand the Buddha Fa and the diversity of Chinese culture. So it is a very good opportunity for the Taiwanese cultural circles to observe and learn something from it.

As the magistrate of Tainan County, Mr. Su especially mentioned, “Taiwan has been influenced by the global economic downturn, and Tainan County is no exception. DPA is bringing the message about the Buddha Fa to help us endure frustrations. During the economic recession, people their families tend to be have stress. Seeing the DPA performances would have a good effect on relieving stress.”

“So, the DPA has provided us with an excellent cure for healing our souls during the economic recession.”

His wife, Mrs. Guo Chunhua, also praised the overall performance of the DPA show. She said, “In terms of the colors of costumes, their accessories, and movements, the show was excellent. DPA must have a high-quality training system, so that the show was different from those performed in the past. DPA is touring the world, so it has set an international standard.”

Original in Chinese: epochtimes.com/b5/9/2/22/n2438730.htm

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