Famous Singer: A Spectacular Show Worth Lauding

Famous singer Ms. Ji Luxia said of Shen Yun Performing Arts, “Every program was so good that I liked all of them.”
Famous Singer: A Spectacular Show Worth Lauding
Ms. Ji Luxia, who was known as 'Formosan Singing Queen' in 1950s, attends the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's second show at the National Taiwan University of Arts on April 26. (The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/teyepay.jpg" alt="Ms. Ji Luxia, who was known as 'Formosan Singing Queen' in 1950s, attends the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's second show at the National Taiwan University of Arts on April 26. (The Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Ji Luxia, who was known as 'Formosan Singing Queen' in 1950s, attends the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's second show at the National Taiwan University of Arts on April 26. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1820604"/></a>
Ms. Ji Luxia, who was known as 'Formosan Singing Queen' in 1950s, attends the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's second show at the National Taiwan University of Arts on April 26. (The Epoch Times)
TAIPEI, Taiwan—When the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company performed its second show at the National Taiwan University of Arts on April 26, Ms. Ji Luxia, who was known as “Formosan Singing Queen” in 1950s attended. She was amazed by the magnificent performance, and praised with emotion, saying, “The program was exceptionally good, ... indeed, a spectacular show worth lauding.”

Ms. Ji attended the show with her sister, after her friends recommended Shen Yun to her. When interviewed, she said, “Every program was so good that I liked all of them.”

She went on to say that “Not only did it illustrate the essence of Chinese traditional culture, but it also conveyed the Buddhist culture, which unconsciously exhorted people to be good. (The show) made me feel very serene.”

She added that this kind of program was very meaningful and not easy to come by.

Ms. Ji has dedicated most of her life to the singing industry. Those who remember her will likely recall her “Dusk on the Mountain Range,” one of the most popular songs she sang. Though she is rarely seen on the screen nowadays, her passion for singing is unabated. In addition to serving as a judge for singing competitions from time to time, she continues to conduct singing classes in various places.

After listening to Shen Yun vocalists’ performance, she was deeply moved. She exclaimed excitedly, “The voices of the soprano and baritone were indeed marvelous, indeed marvelous.”

She was as deeply impressed with the dances. The “Formosa Singing Queen” said, “We can tell the performers are very dedicated and well trained. They must have gone through rigorous practice.”

Switching to talk about the dynamic backdrops, she said, “The backdrops were very beautiful. Tremendous effort must have been put into the design. They could deeply move people and make people want to see the show again.”

“Shen Yun’s performance was perfect, and it was indeed a spectacular show worth lauding.” When she was about to leave, she told our reporter that she really wanted to express her special thanks to her friends who recommended she see the show and said that the show was indeed a artistic feast.

Read the original Chinese article.

  For more information, please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org