Five Thousand Years of Chinese Culture Successfully Brought to the Stage

“It was beautiful,” he said.
Five Thousand Years of Chinese Culture Successfully Brought to the Stage
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. Moebius, head of a public relations firm. (Alexander Hamrle/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Moebius, head of a public relations firm. (Alexander Hamrle/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830214"/></a>
Mr. Moebius, head of a public relations firm. (Alexander Hamrle/The Epoch Times)

FRANKFURT, Germany—The president of an advertising firm, Mr. Moebius, said that the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) performance had successfully brought 5,000 years of culture to the stage.

The sound of applause regularly filled the Jahrhunderthalle during a packed house performance in Frankfurt, Germany, on Saturday, Feb. 21, and the show received a standing ovation at its conclusion.

Mr. Moebius admitted he knew little about Chinese culture before coming to the show, and now had been given an insight into China’s cultural diversity.

“It was beautiful.

“I must say, the attempt to bring the 5,000-year old culture through a number of different scenes to the stage was rather successful. That really worked.

“I was quite impressed with the Chinese opera singer. Who would have thought that the Chinese can sing that well. I found that absolutely marvelous.

“Also, the fan dance [Welcoming Spring], was delightful and especially great was the last performance [Knowing the True Picture Offers Ultimate Hope], when all were on stage surrounded by fog.”

DPA brings Chinese culture to life through song and story-based dance that conveys the deeply moral and spiritual traditions of ancient China.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information, please visit