Newspaper Publisher: ‘Most impressive’

Mr. Hegner, publisher of a German newspaper, attended DPA’s opening European performance in Frankfurt on Feb. 21.
Newspaper Publisher: ‘Most impressive’
German newspaper publisher Mr. Hegner says the Divine Performing Arts show is at the top of the list of his favorite shows. Matthias Kehreien/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="German newspaper publisher Mr. Hegner says the Divine Performing Arts show is at the top of the list of his favorite shows. (Matthias Kehreien/The Epoch Times)" title="German newspaper publisher Mr. Hegner says the Divine Performing Arts show is at the top of the list of his favorite shows. (Matthias Kehreien/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830184"/></a>
German newspaper publisher Mr. Hegner says the Divine Performing Arts show is at the top of the list of his favorite shows. (Matthias Kehreien/The Epoch Times)
FRANKFURT, Germany—Mr. Hegner, publisher of a German newspaper, attended the Divine Performing Arts’ opening European performance in Frankfurt on Feb. 21. He said the show was at the top of the list of his favorite shows.

He liked the digital backdrops best of all—“wonderful colors, very aesthetic.” He also praised the costumes—“everything wonderful and harmonious”—and found the music “very pleasant.”

Mr. Hegner reiterated his appreciation of the backdrops: “I must point out that the backdrops were exceptionally beautiful, very pleasant to the eyes, gorgeous photos due to the computer animation. This was really very impressive.

“Also, the entire culture, all that these scenes were based on, the stories behind the performances, is what made it so interesting,” he said.

Mr. Hegner said that he had seen quite a few Chinese shows, but the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show had given him greater insight into the Chinese culture: “This showed me a Chinese culture that I had not known. I just knew everything that was based on communism. This [DPA show] has nothing to do with today’s Chinese culture. If you visit China at this time, you can be assured that you can’t see this.”

He was not surprised to hear that the DPA is banned in China: “This says it all. This is just as I thought. We are now in a country that cherishes freedom, which is totally rejected by that totalitarian regime. …

“Anyone who wants to learn about Chinese culture should see this show. The entire culture was made known through the songs and the dances. That was most impressive. I must say that I did not expect such a form,” he said.

Original in German:

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts International Tour.
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