Horrified Woman Sees Dog Thrown Off an Overpass, Rushes to Help Before It’s Too Late

Horrified Woman Sees Dog Thrown Off an Overpass, Rushes to Help Before It’s Too Late
(Courtesy of April Eells)
Epoch Inspired Staff
A Portland woman is receiving praise for rescuing a dog that was reportedly tossed over the edge of an overpass and injured.

While driving down I-5 last July, she saw something tumble down from the overpass. After stopping to investigate, they discovered with utter horror that it was a dog.

The animal was too injured to move its hind legs. An employee of a veterinary hospital, daughter April Eells, was able to call the vet and summon help immediately.

Thanks to Eells’s quick response and fundraising efforts afterwards, the pup, dubbed “Hank,” has received numerous donations for the ongoing surgery and care he’ll need to recover from his injuries.

(Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5346175,-122.666637,3a,60y,142.47h,102.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_SVeFsJT4SiADromnFf6uw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
(Screenshot/Google Maps)

After Eells put together a crowdfunding page for the injured pup, Hank’s story went viral.

On social media, Eells posted, “This AM my mom went into work a couple hours later than she usually does and was in shock as she came off the exit in North Portland to witnessed a dog being thrown off an overpass!”

On the GoFundMe page, she clarifies that the dog’s injuries made it clear that he fell from the overpass, but no one witnessed the cause of his fall.

“At this point I will say allegedly,” she wrote, “as we do not know who it was or have a description.”

Upon closer inspection, Hank was found to have broken bones, broken teeth, and torn ligaments. But incredibly, X-rays revealed no internal bleeding or life-threatening injuries.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/TeamSuperHank">April Eells</a>)
(Courtesy of April Eells)
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/TeamSuperHank">April Eells</a>)
(Courtesy of April Eells)

Though Hank, estimated to be around 1–2 years old, will require extensive surgery to recover, the community has pulled together to get him the care he needs. The veterinary surgeon at Eells’s work even offered a $3,500 discount on the surgery needed for Hank’s legs.

“Most Good Samaritans and veterinary clinics would have euthanized this boy,” Eells wrote, “but my parents wanted to give him a fighting chance.”

In a strange coincidence, Eells has had more than one traumatic experience involving overpasses.

She told KATU-TV, “Almost a year ago, my own daughter tried to commit suicide and she jumped off an overpass. So immediately it struck me because it was very symbolic of my own daughter, and my mom said that that was instantly she thought, ‘I’m not giving up on him.’ Because we didn’t give up on her.”
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/TeamSuperHank">April Eells</a>)
(Courtesy of April Eells)

Eells and her parents have patiently cared for Hank through multiple surgeries, medicine, and veterinary visits, and have already seen improvement. He may not be walking for months still, but Eells says the donations from the crowdfunding page have helped immensely.

The page has already collected over $9,000, but the costs of Hank’s long-term care may exceed this amount.

In an update on the dog’s condition after a recent surgery, Eells wrote, “Hank is home and comfy in his bed tonight (as pictured) but he still has a long recovery ahead of him.
(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/TeamSuperHank">April Eells</a>)
(Courtesy of April Eells)

“Many bandage changes, meds, follow up xrays and potentially needing the plates off in a few months once the bones have fully fused, so we still need to continue to raise funds and circulate Hanks story.”

Though the real reason behind Hank’s fall remains a mystery, Eells and her family are hopeful that he’ll make a full recovery.

She adds: “Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared, every bit helps! We appreciate all the love and support, Hank is so worthy!”

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pg/TeamSuperHank">April Eells</a>)
(Courtesy of April Eells)
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