Dear Next Generation: Grandfather’s Shaving Tips

Dear Next Generation: Grandfather’s Shaving Tips
(Courtesy of Frank Gardiner)

Dear Next Generation,

Young men shaving—vive la différence, eh!

As heavy beards start to disappear in favor of handsome male faces, I intend to purchase a quality shaving brush for each of my grandsons when they are old enough to actually shave.

Accompanying this shaving brush will be a proper shaving mug with family crest or favorite quote.

Ordinary bars of soap can be broken up into pieces and compacted into this unique personal shaving mug.

The first step in shaving is continuous warm water onto a washcloth to wash the face area to be shaved.

Step two: The key is to soak the shaving brush for 30 seconds under hot water and then insert the hot shaving brush into the shaving mug and stir vigorously to create a warm soapy lather and apply to face area to be shaved.

Years ago, there was an attempt to create a shaving cream dispenser that under hot water would create a hot lather for shaving.

This idea was not a big success, but the idea of creating your own hot soap lather in your own portable soap shaving mug was.

Step three: Use a Gillette razor to shave the facial area, followed by a warm facecloth to clean up the excess soap lather.

From where I sit—or shave!—this practice is a fast, fun morning shaving exercise, in my humble grandfather’s opinion! And the family photo with my grandsons Cole and Monty enjoying watching my morning shave confirms this fun, “old”—and possibly future—shaving tradition!

“Grampy Frank” aka Frank Gardiner Toronto, Canada
Frank Gardiner and his grandsons, Cole and Monty, during his morning shave. (Courtesy of Frank Gardiner)
Frank Gardiner and his grandsons, Cole and Monty, during his morning shave. (Courtesy of Frank Gardiner)


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