Dear Next Generation: Establishing a Solid Foundation

Dear Next Generation: Establishing a Solid Foundation
Dear Next Generation, an advice column from readers to young people. Photo by Shutterstock

I think that the next generation will need to be tough mentally as well as physically to meet the challenges they will inherit. When I look at my three young grandsons, I wonder what their world will look like. I worry that their world will not be as pleasant as the one I have lived in.

Having grandkids is the greatest “job” in the world. When we had our own kids, we were busy building a life for them and, unfortunately, we didn’t get to do enough with them, but this second chance is fantastic. Watching them grow and learn and develop into their own person is just amazing. Right now, they have an easy life with lots of “things” and activities, but they need to get ready for the real life that will greet them in the not-too-distant future.

Larry Regienczuk


Recently, I experienced a heartwarming time with family and grandchildren who had never met my father. He died in 1987 at the “young” age of 91, when my children were still quite young. I was reminded of a VHS recording by Rogers cable of his entire life from childhood through the World War I service, as well as his 50-year career with Bell Telephone and the raising of his four children with our wonderful mother. I was able to have the VHS tape transferred to a DVD, and then play it at a gathering of children and grandchildren.

In their world of electronics, helicopter parents, and intense activities, it was astonishing to watch their reactions as they learned the miles he walked to school each day, the home duties he was responsible for such as hitching the horse to the wagon and, at 8 years of age, driving it with his mother to town to do her shopping. Throughout the interview, many family values and life skills were expressed that he had learned and then passed on to his children.

By the end of the hour-long interview, the young generation viewers had gained not only many historical facts of the 1800s but many of life’s insights, moral values, wisdom, and humor, from a great-grandfather for whom they quickly had much admiration.

Immediately, I realized what a significant chance I had to share my father’s life experiences with the upcoming generations and how much influence a family member can have on those who will follow.

I would encourage everyone to record the stories, either by voice or video, of their parents and grandparents at whatever age when the cognitive skills are still in place.

Laurajean Pogson, Ontario


First of all, I would say to a younger person that God their heavenly father loves them so much, and if you believe in him, you will have eternal life in Heaven.

Second, show kindness and compassion toward others. Forgive others because none of us are perfect.

Third, be happy with who you are and don’t try to be anyone else. All young people are special and we all have talents. We all know what’s right and wrong. Stand up for others that are telling the truth. Being honest and sincere is so important.

Fourth, never give up on yourself or others. There is always hope, and if you put your mind to something and try hard, you can succeed.

Fifth and last, pray for others, actually pray for all people in the world; even pray for all animals. My heart has so much compassion for others, I just wish I could help people.

Ranee Pritz, Indiana


I’m a very proud grandmother and great-grandmother. I realize I missed out on some events in raising my son and daughter and have decided to take the opportunity to spend more time with my granddaughter, grandson, and great-granddaughter.

From the very beginning with these two, I was called Honey and very blessed to live close to them for assistance at after-school pickup, getting to dance, ballgames, and parties until their parents could arrive and finish the events.

The grandchildren were always excited to get in the car with me to go places (the car was named “movie car”—because it had a DVD player, which we seldom used) because we were always on an “adventure” wherever we went. Early on, became silly and funny to show me off to their friends as “honey with the stick-up hair” because I wore my hair very spiky.

I had the pleasure of having help in the kitchen setting the table and assistance with cooking and washing dishes. We learned together the importance of church, vacation bible school, and kindness.

Yes, I’ve taken time out to spend every opportunity with them, hoping to make a good influence on their lives and keep me young in return.

Jane Goswick 


Words of wisdom from a contented 75-year-old ex-Marine to future generations: Be prepared. Do no evil. Embrace the 2nd Amendment and freedom.

Abjure socialism and wokeness. Discern truth from lies. Work hard. Stand tall. Be a proud American.

Love and be loved. Be faithful. Do joyous things. Eat right. Exercise. Don’t be stupid.

Frederick Su


What advice would you like to give to the younger generations?
We call on all of our readers to share the timeless values that define right and wrong and pass the torch, if you will, through your wisdom and hard-earned experience. We feel that the passing down of this wisdom has diminished over time and that only with a strong moral foundation can future generations thrive.
Send your advice, along with your full name, state, and contact information to [email protected] or mail it to: Next Generation, The Epoch Times, 229 W. 28th St., Floor 7, New York, NY 10001.
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