Chicago Restaurant Server Fired for Writing ‘Quit Your Job!’ on Police Officer’s Pizza Receipt

Chicago Restaurant Server Fired for Writing ‘Quit Your Job!’ on Police Officer’s Pizza Receipt
A Chicago police officer in a file photo. Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty Images

A Chicago server was rendered jobless after leaving a hand-scrawled few words of advice on a police detective’s receipt for a pizza he had ordered. The unsolicited “tip” told the officer “Quit your job!”

The incident happened at a Happy Camper eatery on Aug. 30 in the Wrigleyville neighborhood of Chicago, where the former employee worked. After seeing the note, the snubbed detective, concerned that his food may have been tampered with, then threw his meal in the trash, Fox News reported.
Chicago Police Officers monitor the Occupy City Hall Protest and Car Caravan hosted by Chicago Teachers Union in Chicago, Ill., on Aug. 3, 2020 (KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Chicago Police Officers monitor the Occupy City Hall Protest and Car Caravan hosted by Chicago Teachers Union in Chicago, Ill., on Aug. 3, 2020 KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images

A friend of the unnamed detective posted a photo of the $66 meal receipt on social media and explained that the detective had entered the restaurant in full uniform and left with his order. “He still tipped,” the friend explained, “and was the gentleman that he always has been.”

Fearing that his food may have been “spit in” behind the scenes, the affronted detective promptly tossed his 14-inch pepperoni pizza, Caesar salad, and sides into a trash receptacle outside Happy Camper.

“Everyone is entitled to their feelings and political views,” the post added, “but definitely not when it comes to a professional environment. Where did people learn to disrespect the people that are paying their bills?”

The Happy Camper Wrigleyville eatery in Chicago, Ill. (Screenshot/<a href=",-87.6547224,3a,53y,249.45h,97.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spqTcP6J0QvDlYUSGDWLWKw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
The Happy Camper Wrigleyville eatery in Chicago, Ill. Screenshot/Google Maps
In response to the unsavory experience shared online, the eatery shared a Facebook post of their own, stating that the server had been fired on Aug. 31. They captioned:
“Our company works incredibly hard to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for all customers. Upon learning this morning about an incident last night involving a customer, we immediately took action to terminate the employee.”
The restaurant extended its “sincere and humble” apologies to the officer, adding that the server’s behavior did not accurately reflect the Happy Camper family as a whole. “We have zero tolerance for any behavior that doesn’t give our customers the full respect they deserve,” they added.
(Illustration - Suwan Banjongpian/Shutterstock)
Illustration - Suwan Banjongpian/Shutterstock
In the comments section, the business added: “Please also know that Happy Camper has reached out to the police officer to personally apologize, offer a full refund, and provide a gift card to his restaurant of choice,” before thanking their customers for understanding.

To date, Happy Camper’s social media post has garnered hundreds of comments from customers who approved of the server’s prompt dismissal. Others commended Happy Camper for reaching out to the Chicago detective directly.

“It’s about time a business establishment had the guts and courage to stand up for what is right,” one person said. “Thank you for taking the high road! What a great example for all us, especially during this extremely divisive time in our nation.”

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