Ceiling Panels Formed From Metal Are Decorative

Ceiling Panels Formed From Metal Are Decorative
Dear James: I like older styles and décor, especially some decorative metal ceilings. Can I still get the metal materials, and is the project suitable for do-it-yourselfers?—Greg C.
Dear Greg: The decorative metal ceilings consist of separate panels, and they are still available and becoming more popular. The decorative panels are not very heavy, so they are easy to handle and install, and they maintain their beauty forever.

In the early 1900s, decorative stamped metal panel ceilings began to gain in popularity. They were commonly used in commercial and retail buildings because of their unique appearance, low maintenance, and fire resistance. If painted thoroughly on both sides, these ceilings will literally last forever.

With the resurgence of interest in metal roofs for residential applications, particularly kitchens and dining rooms, there are several sources for the decorative panels. These include W. F. Norman, WFNorman.com; Shanker Industries, which can be found on ArchitecturalDepot.com; and Chelsea Decorative Metals, TheTinMan.com.

Metal ceiling panels are typically available in 2-by-2-foot squares and 2-by-4-foot or 8-foot rectangles. There are many patterns available, some from the original 100-year-old dies and other newer patterns. If you are a creative person, you can make a truly unique ceiling by using various combinations of patterns, cornice and crown moldings, medallions, etc.

Most metal ceiling panels are made of fairly thin steel sheet that is painted. For a more decorative and unique appearance, an experienced painter can use two different colors to highlight the surface texture. Solid copper and brass panels are also available, but they cost about three times as much as steel. Steel ceiling panels cost about $4 per square foot.

It is not difficult to install metal ceiling panels. The key to a good job is taking your time and paying attention to detail. First, you should install 3/4-inch furring strips on the existing ceiling. These are typically nailed up on 12-inch centers perpendicular to the ceiling joists. This method will provide the most level finished ceiling.

Now, prepare the metal panels for installation. It is wise to paint the panels on both sides. Since most are made of steel, they will rust if there is a leak above them and the top is not painted. The pattern in these panels is formed in a die, which often has a light film of mill oil. Clean them carefully first with a metal cleaner (as with auto-body work).

Each panel manufacturer has specific instructions for installing its panels. For the most authentic antique look, use special tiny conical-head nails. Most panel patterns are designed so that the nail heads and holes are hidden as an integral part of the pattern. When installed properly, it is difficult to find the nail locations.

Another installation option is a suspended (dropped) ceiling. The standard-size metal panels usually will fit perfectly into a standard suspended ceiling support grid pattern. It is best to leave the existing fiber panels in place over the thin metal panels. These help to keep the metal panels flat and stop the panels from moving (floating) from breezes from windows or when a door closes.

For a very attractive installation, use a suspended grid system specially made for these metal panels. These grids are very slim, and some can even be hidden by the edge of the ceiling panel to create a seamless appearance. Chicago Metallic (410-796-8220) makes these grid systems.

decorative ceiling tip sheet
Send your questions to Here's How, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244, or visit Dulley.com. To find out more about James Dulley and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Creators.com. Copyright 2021 Creators.com
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