The Best Vegetable, According to Americans

The Best Vegetable, According to Americans
(Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision via Getty Images)

Remember those times when your mom used to say you’re not allowed to have any frozen treats or dessert until you eat all of your broccoli? Well, it might come as a surprise then that broccoli is the most popular vegetable throughout the country.

According to a survey conducted by Green Giant, broccoli is America’s favorite veggie, holding on to its crown after earning the top spot last year as well. About 6,713 Americans participated in the survey between the months of April and May 2020, and it turns out many people are riding the broccoli train every time they go grocery shopping.

You may have loathed broccoli as a kid, but Americans are keeping the flowery, green vegetable on the menu for dinner. Out of the 50 states, 36 — plus Washington, D.C. — chose broccoli as their favorite veggie.

Broccoli can be a very healthy component of your diet, especially if you’re missing some of your vitamins. Broccoli is full of vitamins C, A and K and is rich in fiber and potassium. This green vegetable can also help lower high blood pressure.

If you’re wondering how you can incorporate broccoli into your diet, there are plenty of dishes you can try from casseroles to delicious, hearty rice dinner recipes.

By Diamond Bridges
© 2020 Tribune Publishing; Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
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