Sweet House Cat Steps In to Care For Bobkitten Who Was Abandoned by Her Mother

Sweet House Cat Steps In to Care For Bobkitten Who Was Abandoned by Her Mother
(Courtesy of Spicy Cats)
Anna Mason

A house cat who has been a foster mom to a lot of kittens has stepped into the role of a caring parent to a bobkitten who was abandoned by her mother.

In September, a good Samaritan found a lone 6-week-old bobkitten in a chicken coop. After a long time, when her mom didn’t return to take her back, rescuers at Millstone Wildlife Center in New Hampshire stepped up and took her in.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.spicycats.org/">Spicy Cats</a>)
(Courtesy of Spicy Cats)

“The bobkitten was in great shape,” Caroline Wilkinson, president of nonprofit organization Spicy Cats, which liaised with Millstone Wildlife Center, told The Epoch Times. “Clearly mom had been taking good care of her up until then.”

However, her rescuers became aware that the bobkitten, who weighed less than 2 lbs (approx. 0.9 kg) although in good physical condition, had been “crying from loneliness.”

The rescuers immediately got in touch with Spicy Cats, as they focus primarily on rescuing behavioral and medical special-needs cats.

Soon, the bobkitten was introduced to another Spicy Cats resident, Honeybun, 5, who has done a great job caring for her own kittens as well as several of her nephews and nieces in the past.

“When she saw Honeybun she immediately lit up and started to play with her," Wilkinson said.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.spicycats.org/">Spicy Cats</a>)
(Courtesy of Spicy Cats)

Remarkably, considering the unlikelihood of a pairing of a domestic and wild cat, they bonded straight away.

“We had hoped it would go this well but as far as we know it hadn’t been done before so it was a bit of a gamble,” Wilkinson said. “Seeing them take to each other instantly was such a relief, we were so happy that the bobkitten wouldn’t be lonely anymore.”

Spicy Cats took to Facebook to answer some common questions, stating that both Honeybun and the bobkitten are currently housed with a properly licensed rehabber since only five states in the United States have no laws on keeping bobcats as pets; all others deem it illegal or require a specific permit.

“There’s no human/bobkitten cuddling going on,” Spicy Cats explained, “the goal is for her [to] be wary of humans so she can be safe as an adult in the wild.”

Currently, the rescue plans to unite the bobkitten with an older bobkitten back at Millstone Wildlife Center in the coming weeks before releasing her back into the wild in spring. For the moment, though, the bobkitten is doing great; growing bigger and stronger, and loving her older playmate.

“She loves to play with Honeybun,” Wilkinson told The Epoch Times, “and Honeybun will groom her.”

In return, the bobkitten enjoys snuggling and chewing on the patient Honeybun’s ears.

(Courtesy of <a href="https://www.spicycats.org/">Spicy Cats</a>)
(Courtesy of Spicy Cats)

Since Spicy Cats posted pictures and videos of the pair on social media, some netizens have been worried that Honeybun may be in danger, but the rescue has tried to quell their fears.

“The bobkitten is only a few weeks old. Though she is similar in size to Honey, her mentality is very very juvenile and all she wants to do is snuggle and play,“ they said. ”Regardless they are still very closely monitored. Also, bobcats don’t even really prey on domestic cats unless they are desperate.”

The rescue believes that Honeybun, who arrived at the rescue in March and was put into a maternity foster, will one day make an “awesome pet for someone.”
For now, though, the sweet, even-keeled cat is back on babysitting duty.

Watch the video:

(Courtesy of Spicy Cats)
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Anna Mason is a writer based in England. She majored in literature and specializes in human interest, travel, lifestyle and content marketing. Anna enjoys storytelling, adventures, the Balearic sunshine and the Yorkshire rain.
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