National Geographic’s Over-the-Top Travel ‘Bucket List’

These unique and adventurous bucket list destinations will guide you across the globe.
National Geographic’s Over-the-Top Travel ‘Bucket List’
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is an nine-day annual in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during early October. Mariusz Jurgielewicz/Dreamstime/TNS
Tribune News Service
By Jackie Burell From The Mercury News

Considering National Geographic’s legendary history of exploration—they began publishing their globetrotting coverage in 1888—it’s hardly surprising that their bucket list for 2024 is more exciting than ours.

Some of us might have had “see the Olympics in Paris” on our list. NatGeo has “run an Olympic marathon in Paris.” Turns out the city is hosting a Marathon for All on Aug. 10, when 20,000 lucky lottery winners will race the 26.2-mile route from Paris to Versailles.

Oh sure, you want to ride a horse? Go on safari? How about a horseback safari in Kenya?

Route 66 road trip? How about doing that while more than 600 hot air balloons soar overhead?

It’s a list that will fire your imagination, even if riding horses on safari sounds a tad scary. (There are lions!) Here’s just a peek at the top 8. Find details on all 20 adventures and plenty of other “best of the world” travel inspiration at

7 Coolest Travel Adventures for 2024

1. Go on horseback safari in Kenya

2. Run an Olympic marathon in Paris

3. Ski tour UNESCO sites in Georgia

4. Bear watch in Alaska’s Katmai National Park

5. Hear legendary live music in Kyoto, Japan

6. Cruise an epic river in Colombia

7. Road trip Route 66 in New Mexico

8. Explore ancient art in Algeria

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