How Do You Show Up?

How Do You Show Up?
Considering our many roles in life, it is good to reflect on the impact of our presence on others. (Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash)
Barbara Danza

Have you ever stepped back and noticed the many roles you play in your life? You might be a mother, father, sister, or brother. You might be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend. You might be a neighbor, a citizen, a group member, a volunteer, or a leader. Perhaps you’re a student, an employee, an owner, a customer, or an acquaintance.

You could probably continue this list for a long time.

Through your various roles, you’re someone to someone else and, often, to many others. Your personal network is likely in the hundreds, if not thousands, of people, even if you consider yourself introverted or even reclusive. In a 2006 study, it was estimated that the average number of people a person knows is 750. The number of people you affect or influence, of course, extends beyond those you personally know.

Whether you realize it or not, your very existence and the way you show up in the world affect others—many others. We may wish to believe that what we do, what we say, and who we are affect only ourselves, but that’s simply not the case.

Think of some people you greatly admire. What effect have they had on your life? Perhaps you know some of them very well and have shared many life experiences with them. Perhaps you don’t know some of them at all but are aware of the work they do or their ideas.

Likely, you could also identify people you’d consider examples of what not to do or not to be. They, too, have had an effect on you.

Considering the many roles we each play and the connections we have to so many, it becomes clear that we each shoulder a certain responsibility. Our effect won’t always be obvious, but clearly what we do, who we are, and how we show up matter.

Take Care of Yourself

So if how we show up matters, then taking care of ourselves takes on a new significance. “Self-care” is a tiresomely overused term, but you do owe it to yourself and your vast network to take care of yourself.
Consider that the next time you choose what you’ll eat, get a haircut, shop for clothing, clean your home, go for a walk, or save for the future.

Check Your Atmosphere

What sort of vibe or energy do you tend to carry with you? Do you tend to be broad-minded and optimistic or narrow-minded and pessimistic? Do you look upon others with great suspicion or gratitude? Do you tend to smile more or grimace more? Do you cheer others on or nag them? Do you listen to understand or for your next chance to speak? Do you complain or celebrate?
Your presence among others will have an effect. Make sure it’s the one you want to have.

Maximize Your Potential

The fact that your effect can be so great, even unwittingly, might make you consider those innate gifts and talents you may or may not be making good use of.

Who are you? Who do you wish to be? Who could you possibly be? These are not simply self-serving questions; the answers may contribute positively to countless multitudes. Make the most of who you are.

Barbara Danza is a mom of two, an MBA, a beach lover, and a kid at heart. Here, diving into the challenges and opportunities of parenting in the modern age. Particularly interested in the many educational options available to families today, the renewed appreciation of simplicity in kids’ lives, the benefits of family travel, and the importance of family life in today’s society.
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