Eva Mendes Says ‘Clean Sink Equals Clear Mind,’ and Experts Agree

Mendes shared that doing the dishes is a meditative experience for her.
Eva Mendes Says ‘Clean Sink Equals Clear Mind,’ and Experts Agree
Life can be messy, and sometimes our homes, cars and office spaces reflect that. Although cleaning might not seem like a big deal, a tidy space can result in a clear mind. (Serezniy/Dreamstime/TNS)
Tribune News Service
By Ebony Williams From Atlanta Journal-Constitution
While promoting her new line of sponges, Eva Mendes told People magazine her inspiration came from her upbringing and what she finds meditative—a clean home.

“For me a clean sink equals clear mind. And I find doing the dishes meditative. It is a time to think and relax,” she told People. “The rest of my family pitches in; however the dishes are really my domain—my happy place.”

The “Hitch” actress might be on to something. According to Forbes, cleaning does wonders for mental health.
“Our outer worlds invariably affect our inner worlds and vice versa,” Danielle Roeske, Psy.D., vice president of residential services at Newport Healthcare, told Forbes.
Life can be messy, and sometimes our homes, cars and office spaces reflect that. Although cleaning might not seem like a big deal, a tidy space can result in a clear mind.

Here are three mental health benefits of cleaning.

• Helps release endorphins: The physicality of cleaning releases the same happy endorphins as when working out. According to Roeske, cleaning is beneficial “as a pain reliever, stress reliever and overall enhancement of our well-being.”

• Improves focus: A 2011 study from Princeton Neuroscience Institute found that decluttering helps the brain focus on one item at a time.

• Sense of control: When life continues to throw wrenches in the way, cleaning can help you regain a sense of control and assertiveness. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services found cleaning is good for older adults because it helps improve mental and physical changes as we age.

So, next time you’re looking for a pick-me-up, clean your home. If you need to start small, organize your closet.

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