24 Daily Habits for a Great 2024

From making your bed to counting your blessings, here are 24 ways to improve your life in 2024.
24 Daily Habits for a Great 2024
Barbara Danza
Our daily habits have a significant impact on our lives. As 2024 gets started, here are 24 daily habits you might consider adding to your repertoire that are sure to make your new year a great one.

Wake Early

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Make Your Bed

Give yourself an immediate win for the day by making your bed upon waking.

Water First

Before you dive into your daily dose of coffee or other beverage, hydrate with a full glass or bottle of water.

Phone-Free Morning

Keep your phone plugged in away from your bedroom to avoid the temptation of checking it first thing in the morning. Instead, set a time for when you will first pick it up, allowing for as much time as possible in the morning unplugged.


Take advantage of your undistracted mind and journal your thoughts in the morning.

Grateful Five

Write down at least five things you’re grateful for.

Review Your Vision

Keep a summary of your most important goals and your overall vision for your life. After crafting your summary, review it each day.

Three Must-Do’s

Our to-do lists can get long very fast. Each day, choose the three most important tasks to complete and commit to knocking them off your list before the day is done.

No Complaints

Aim for a day in which you refrain completely from complaining. Perhaps you can add a dollar to a jar every time you find yourself complaining about something.

Morning Protein

When choosing breakfast, reach for high-protein choices like eggs. You’ll stay full longer and be fueled for the day ahead.

Walk Outside

Lace up those shoes and step out into the sunshine (or even rain, if that’s what the day’s serving up). Even a 10-minute walk outside will boost your mood and energy levels.

Lift Something Heavy

Don’t let those muscles weaken. Take a few minutes to lift weights or practice some resistance training.

One Load of Laundry

If piles of laundry tend to pile up in your world, establish a policy of completing one load a day from start to finish.

Add to Donations

An easy way to keep clutter at bay is to always have a donation receptacle at the ready. Practice adding at least one item to it each and every day.

Podcast and Putter

There are always a number of tasks to be done around one’s home. Make the chores entertaining, inspiring, or educational by listening to a podcast while you putter around.


If you smile at yourself in the mirror, you start to feel happier. That may sound pretty silly, but don’t let a day go by without cracking a smile.

Buffer Time

Leave time in your afternoon for a whole lot of nothing. Whether you need a nap, a rest, time to read, or to catch up with a friend, make sure you’ve got buffer time baked into each day.

Track Your Habits

New habits take a while to establish. One motivating way to see how you’re doing is to list out your habits and mark off when you fulfill each one each day. Try an online search for “habit tracker” for details.

Nightly Tidy

As the day winds down, take a few minutes to tidy your home.

Set Your Coffee

Prepare what you can for the next morning before heading to bed. Programming your coffee maker and setting out a bottle of water next to your alarm clock gives you a head start for the day.

Lay Out Clothes

To reduce decision fatigue for the next day, lay out the clothes you’ll wear the night before.

Unplug at Night

Set your digital devices far away from you as you wind down for the evening. The longer you can be unplugged, the better for your sleep and peace of mind.

Tomorrow’s Intentions

Jot down your best intentions for the next day.

Favorite Part of the Day


Celebrate the day’s conclusion by listing your favorite parts of it. A chronicle of these over the course of a year is an absolute treasure.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com
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