At One Year Old, Big Baby Was Half the Size of His Mom—Look How Cute He Is Today

At One Year Old, Big Baby Was Half the Size of His Mom—Look How Cute He Is Today
Courtesy of Nabille Carter

A proud mom from Colorado has gone viral for sharing clips of her bouncing baby boy who was half her size at one year old. Now a toddler, he is still taking the internet by storm with his ever-increasing cuteness.

Mom Nabille Carter, 29, has two children with her husband, Tyler Carter, 32: daughter Aria, 5, and son Atlas, 2. Nabille became pregnant with Atlas at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and claims it was an “easy pregnancy,” despite intense nausea, heartburn, and exhaustion toward the end.

Atlas was born in January 2021 weighing a healthy 8 pounds.

(Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Courtesy of Nabille Carter

“He was bigger than my firstborn at birth by 2 pounds, so right off the bat I knew he was going to be bigger,” Nabille told The Epoch Times. “The first video I ever posted of him, he was 8 months. I am five foot one.”

The mom, who breastfed Atlas exclusively for his first year, has never put her baby boy on any special diet and insists that his growth spurt never got in the way of anything. Atlas has earned a nickname from his mom: “my sweet chubbykins.”

“He was chubby, but not in an unhealthy way,” Nabille said. “We took him to his normal pediatric visits and his doctor was never concerned, just in love with his rolls and how healthy and big he was.

“Atlas has always been popular in public,” she said. “Everywhere I go, someone comments about him. When he was younger I had people stop me to just ask if they can squeeze his arm rolls!”

Newborn Atlas. (Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Newborn Atlas. Courtesy of Nabille Carter
(Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Courtesy of Nabille Carter

Along the way, the proud mom has not escaped comments from people concerned about her son’s impressive size.

“I hated being called a ‘bad mom’ because they saw my baby had rolls. It’s all a bunch of nonsense,” she said. “Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and my son is proof that even though they might be big the first year of their life, once they start walking, they shed it off. It doesn’t always mean there is something wrong.”

Atlas is currently an “active, silly” toddler weighing a healthy 33 pounds. What he loves most is playing tag and peekaboo, especially with his big sister, his very favorite playmate.

“They are inseparable,” Nabille said. “Aria is always looking out for Atlas and is an amazing big sister.”

(Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Courtesy of Nabille Carter
(Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Courtesy of Nabille Carter
(Courtesy of Nabille Carter)
Courtesy of Nabille Carter
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