9-Year-Old Wishes for His Own ‘Family to Call Mom and Dad’ After Brother Gets Adopted

9-Year-Old Wishes for His Own ‘Family to Call Mom and Dad’ After Brother Gets Adopted
Illustration - DavidCarpio/Shutterstock

Oklahoma brothers Braison and Jordan made headlines in 2017 because they desperately wanted to live together. The pair had been taken into the custody of the Department of Human Services as toddlers and had been living apart for two long years.

Then-5-year-old Braison and Jordan, 6 at the time, wanted nothing more than to be accepted, together, into an adoptive family home. “Oh, we like to do anything together, like bake and karate,” Jordan told KSWO in 2017, before pretending to karate-chop his grinning sibling.

“All they talk about when they talk about forever homes is, ‘My brother, my brother, my brother,’” said their caseworker, Elsie Chocho. “[T]hey understand what a forever home is,” she continued, explaining that the boys simply wanted permanence and parents to love and care for them into the future.

(Illustration - DavidCarpio/Shutterstock)
Illustration - DavidCarpio/Shutterstock

Fast-forward to 2020, and Braison has been adopted, though sadly, the brothers continue to live apart; Jordan has yet to find a family to call his own.

During a followup interview with KFOR on Aug. 11, Jordan (still seeking a home) showed off some impressive skills on a pair of roller skates before taking a ride on a pedal boat with his adoption caseworker.

Speaking to reporter Lacey Lett, Jordan explained that he’s already nurturing a career goal at the tender age of nine. He wants to be a police officer, “because they’re fun and they protect people,” he said.

Oklahoma City Police Department (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@35.4686801,-97.5250775,3a,40.1y,182.28h,97.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srsoQImbKF-zBe1hBKvvF_w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
Oklahoma City Police Department Screenshot/Google Maps

Jordan was treated to a meeting with some of his role models that very same afternoon: officers serving with the Oklahoma City Police Department. The nine-year-old’s greatest ambition of all, however, is to find a forever family just like his brother.

“Family, and family. Family,” he asserted, claiming that’s all he would wish for in the event of being gifted three wishes. “I would just like to have a family to call mom and dad, or just mom or just dad. I don’t really care.

“The reason it’s important is because so I could have some people to talk to anytime I need to,” Jordan explained, adding, “I hope one of y’all pick me.”

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services in Lawton, Oklahoma (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@34.5946733,-98.4294977,3a,32.7y,28.04h,86.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sah9o68qU3PeQ6JAg53RseA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656">Google Maps</a>)
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services in Lawton, Oklahoma Screenshot/Google Maps

At the time of writing, Jordan continues to live in a group home. However, since his story resurfaced in the media, the lonesome brother has received a lot of attention from potential adopters.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) has received thousands of inquiries from potential parents wishing to adopt Jordan. While the influx of interest bodes well for the bright, loving nine-year-old, OKDHS is keen to remind all supporters that Jordan represents one among tens of thousands of deserving children looking for a place, and parents, to call “home.”

(Illustration - altanaka/Shutterstock)
Illustration - altanaka/Shutterstock
As of summer 2020, there are over 7,700 children in OKDHS custody alone. There are over 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system in its entirety, reports the North American Council on Adoptable Children, and over 100,000 children, just like Jordan, waiting to find a permanent home and family to call their own.
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