Woman Who Battled With Massive Weight to Get Pregnant for Over 10 Years Is Expecting a Baby

Woman Who Battled With Massive Weight to Get Pregnant for Over 10 Years Is Expecting a Baby
Caters News
Daksha Devnani

Every person has a dream that they hope might come true someday. Kelly Russon, who has dreamed of being a mother but struggled to get pregnant due to her staggering weight, is finally expecting a baby after she managed to drop a whopping 79 pounds (approx. 36 kg).

“After everything I’ve been through for the last 10 years trying to get pregnant, it still doesn’t seem real,” the expectant mom from Bradford, West Yorkshire, told Caters News Agency.

A pregnant Kelly Russon. (Caters News)
A pregnant Kelly Russon. Caters News
The 35-year-old telecom assistant initially realized that she had trouble conceiving in 2008 when she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—a hormonal condition that is common among women of reproductive age. The disorder causes women to have long or infrequent menstrual periods. Additionally, the ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluids (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs, according to Mayo Clinic.

During that time, medical professionals warned Kelly, who weighed 278 pounds (approx. 126 kg) at that time that if she didn’t shed some weight, it would cause her hindrance and restrict her chances of falling pregnant.

However, Kelly didn’t heed the warning seriously and continued to gorge on bags of chips, sweets, and a whole pack of biscuits in between meals.

Kelly Russon before her weight loss. (Caters News)
Kelly Russon before her weight loss. Caters News

“My problem was that I always turned to food whether I was happy or sad and I’ve always been a snacker,” Kelly recalled. “It wasn’t my main meals or portion sizes—it was what I ate in between.”

In 2011, Kelly suffered her first miscarriage with her former partner. This really shattered her.

“All I’ve ever wanted is to be a mom, and the thought of not being able to was devastating,” Kelly said. “It consumed my life, I thought I’d rather not live at all than live and not be a mom.”

Determined to not give up on her dream of becoming a mother, Kelly tried to conceive for the next three years that followed but failed.

Then seven years ago, when Kelly met her partner, Chris Senior, 39, they tried to fall pregnant but were met with another miscarriage in June 2017 at just seven weeks.

Doctors again advised Kelly that the miscarriages occurred due to her high BMI and her overweight physique.

This is when Kelly decided that it was time for a change and started focusing on shedding those extra pounds. Kelly recalled that even before she started to exercise, she lost 28 pounds (approx. 13 kg). However, determined to maintain her physique, in July 2018, Kelly began Slimming world—a program that helps you lose weight—and hitting the gym five times a week.

She then decided to ask for further help as she didn’t want to opt for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

“The doctor I was referred to at Bradford Royal Infirmary was really strict with me, she told me my miscarriages were a direct result of my weight,” Kelly continued, “and even put me on the coil telling me I had to focus on losing the weight before trying to get pregnant anymore.”

Kelly Russon with her partner, Chris Senior. (Caters News)
Kelly Russon with her partner, Chris Senior. Caters News

Since then, Kelly has dropped 79 pounds (approx. 36 kg) and has also gone off the coil in December 2019. After this, she and her partner, Chris, decided to try once again and see if they could become parents naturally. The pair had even decided that if they couldn’t start a family within a year, they would give up.

However, to their surprise, when Kelly decided to take a pregnancy test on a whim in May 2020, she tested positive.

“When it tested positive I couldn’t believe it, I immediately went back to the shops and bought 10 more tests,” Kelly said. “Now I’m 20 weeks along and just to get to that stage is a massive milestone.”

Kelly Russon's baby scan. (Caters News)
Kelly Russon's baby scan. Caters News

Kelly, who is due in January 2021, is excited to meet her baby and has even decided to call her Elsie Rose.

“I can’t wait to meet her, it feels like my dreams are finally coming true,” she concluded. “She’s a little miracle.”

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