Woman Parks Car Over the Line, Watch a Driver Teach Her Lesson in Parking Etiquette

Woman Parks Car Over the Line, Watch a Driver Teach Her Lesson in Parking Etiquette
(Illustration - Jacek Wojnarowski/Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in July 2019.
Most of us are able to recall times where we have been in such a great hurry to get some shopping done and return to our homes. While there are other people who might have favorite spots in a shopping center car park, that could be near the entrance of the shop or a spot away from those large four-wheel drives that can scratch our car’s paintwork. In these cases, it’s easy to expect some parking etiquette from others but difficult to think of the other person first while our minds are preoccupied with other things in this fast-paced world.
(Illustration - Halfpoint/Shutterstock)
(Illustration - Halfpoint/Shutterstock)

“Car-parking rage” has become a common term where some people have decided to show their rage on other bad parking ways in a hilarious manner.

This might bring to mind an episode of the classic sitcom “Friends” where Ross buys a red MGB car for his 30th birthday only to find he can’t seem to get out of his parking spot. So whenever you find yourself in a parking spot, try and remember to use some common courtesy; however, avoid expecting it from others.

An account of one such careless parking was captured on a video that has now gone viral. When a man saw that a black Mercedes was taking up two car park spots with the wheels over the line, he thought it was time to teach the owner a “lesson in parking.”

(Illustration - okeykat/Shutterstock)
(Illustration - okeykat/Shutterstock)

The man, who owned a red car, parked really close to the black Mercedes, blocking the Mercedes car driver’s door. Then as a woman with a shopping cart full of groceries came to her black Mercedes, the man started filming what unfolded next.

The women loaded all of her bags of groceries into the boot of her black car then closed the boot lid and wheeled her shopping cart to the cart collection bay. When she returned to her car, she found out that she couldn’t get to the driver’s door because a red car (parked correctly between two lines) was just too close.

With her hands on her hips, she complained to a passerby about being blocked. He then shares an idea about her predicament. So how did she finally get into the car and drive back home? We won’t spoil this for you. Watch the video to see how she gets to start her car and what the owner of the red car decides to do.

The video when shared by Facebook personality Rick Lax went viral garnering over 15 million views and some 25,000 reactions. Social media users had mixed reactions.

One user wrote, “Got what she deserved for parking across the line of her parking place!!!” While another commented, “She better learn how to park.”

Indeed, if we hope for the younger generation to learn car-parking courtesy and display good road manners, we need to set an example first.

However, this is not the first time someone has decided to teach a driver who didn’t park within the lines a lesson. According to Mashable, one shopper broke the rules in a Walmart parking lot in Biddeford, Maine, so shoppers took revenge by barricading the car with shopping carts.

A netizen named Mathew Mills shared the picture on Facebook. “I was going shopping with my father to get some last-minute gifts,” Mills wrote to Mashable. “I noticed the car was directly over the yellow line and surrounded by carts.”

What would you do if you were caught in a situation where someone parked their car in a bad way?

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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