UK Woman Who Ditched Alcohol During National Lockdown Says, ‘I’m the Fittest I’ve Ever Been’

UK Woman Who Ditched Alcohol During National Lockdown Says, ‘I’m the Fittest I’ve Ever Been’
Caters News

A British woman decided to ditch her habit of drinking alcohol during the 2020 national lockdown, and she couldn’t be happier.

Samantha Walsh, 44, was a social drinker who’d party on weekends or drink up to five bottles of wine at home in Seven Oaks, Kent, in England.

In August last year, Samantha decided to quit drinking—once and for all. She says quitting the habit has improved not only her well-being but also her financial savings: her skin appears to have fewer lines and her bank balance is up as well.

(Caters News)
Caters News

“I’ve always been a party girl who went out on a weekend,” she said.

“Then when lockdown hit, my partner Dave Glass, 40, and I began drinking in the garden then running over to Aldi for another bottle of wine.

“Without the structure of work, we were either drunk or hungover. Eventually, I felt fed up of having a sore head.”

However, Samantha said that when the national lockdown was called in last year, she saw it as an opportunity in disguise, and decided to use that period to work on breaking her habit of drinking alcohol.

“With no temptation to go out and meet friends, it was pretty easy,” she said. “I felt so much better within two weeks, I had more energy and a clear head.

“Friends have also said I look ten years younger which is a massive bonus!”

(Caters News)
Caters News

Feeling better physically and mentally, Samantha began taking up new hobbies such as running and reading.

But in August 2020, her determination was tested once again with lockdown restrictions eased and pubs opened. However, Samantha stayed true to her resolve after experiencing the promising changes in her health.

“When we could see our friends again, they were all complimenting my skin,” she recalled. “I didn’t feel the need to wear as much makeup as I wasn’t covering my tired eyes.

“The lines on my forehead massively reduced as my skin wasn’t so dehydrated. Many of them said I look younger which spurred me to keep on going.”

She acknowledged that it was hard saying no to a drink while socializing again, but this time, she was “determined to knock it on the head.”

“My friends thought I would buckle but I didn’t which was a very proud moment. It was great remembering the whole night and feeling fresh in the morning,” she said. “My concentration is much better now and I feel more creative.”

(Caters News)
Caters News

Another benefit, she said, is saving money and keeping a count on the “Try Dry” app.

“The app has been a massive help as I’ve loved seeing the sober days clock up,” she said. “I entered how much I’d spend per week on shop brought alcohol and it calculates my savings.

“So by not drinking, I’ve saved an extra 2,500 pounds which is amazing. We hope to go to South America next year with the money saved!”

Samantha, who is now focusing on her health, is thriving.

“I am the fittest I have ever been,” she said. “And I am confident that I won’t drink again.  It has been eight months and I am yet to be tempted.”

Epoch Times staff contributed to this report.
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