Have You Unlearned These 7 Primary School Mistakes Yet?

users comment on Ask Reddit about what teachers wrongly taught in school. Did you change your primary school mistakes yet?
Have You Unlearned These 7 Primary School Mistakes Yet?
(BSIP/UIG via Getty Images)

We have probably all experienced those days when our teacher told us one thing, then later on in life we find out that what our teacher said was wrong. Reddit Mode asked, “What is something you’ve been taught in school but later found out it was wrong?” Did you change your primary school mistakes yet?

1. “In third grade once I had an assignment where I had to tell what unit of measurement I would measure my neighborhood in. I said ”My neighborhood is big but not too big, so I would measure it in kilometers(as opposed to miles).“ The teacher tells me ”Pond, a kilometer is longer than a mile!“ And of course everyone else in the class (I was not too popular) starts laughing at me because I had known that a kilometer is shorter than a mile which is apparently wrong.”

Shared by Reddit user lordpond

(Getty Images)

2. “The food pyramid. The thing has changed so much over the years. I remember my teacher in grade school saying bacon wasn’t in the meat food group because of its small portion size.”

Shared by Reddit user dirtymoney

(Getty Images) (note: food pyramid has been changed by the government since 2005)

3. “‘Men and women have a different amount of ribs.’ turns out it’s the same amount. Thanks 5th grade health teacher, making me look like a real idiot when I parrot this in my first anatomy class.”

Shared by Reddit user SOBETsunami

(Getty Images)

4. “That I'll never be walking around with a calculator in my pocket.”

Shared by Reddit user Lysdexic_Nijna

(Getty Images)

5. “I’m going to be using Cursive for the rest of my life.”

Shared by Reddit user ecnepsnai

(Getty Images)

6. “In elementary school they said ‘In middle school the teachers wont care about you’. In middle school they said ‘In high school the teachers wont care about you’. In high school they said ‘In college the professors wont care about you’. In college they said ‘Your employer wont care about you’. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong. People care at every level.”

Shared by Reddit user alex_trebek_is_god

(Getty Images)

 *Primary school photo via Getty Images

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