What’s It Like Flying on a Boeing 787

What’s It Like Flying on a Boeing 787

As we advance further into the 21st century, a big push for innovation and change has emerged in the aerospace industry in order to improve passenger safety and comfort, as well as to save air lines some serious cash on fuel, which is one of their largest expenses. While Airbus has been making waves with the A350 and the A380, Boeing has responded in kind with a beautiful creation of its own – the 787 Dreamliner.

Crafted with a number of design features intended to make your next long haul flight overseas a serene, comfortable and memorable experience, we certainly think that this new iteration of Boeing’s tremendously successful line of aircraft will become a favorite of airlines looking to add new planes to its fleet over the next few years. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons why flying on a Boeing 787 is something that you should try on your next overseas journey…

A quiet, smooth refined ride

In the history of airplane manufacturing, the 787 Dreamliner is the first craft to have more than half of the weight of its components made from composite material. The effect of this change has dramatically lightened the weight of their planes, reducing the fuel required en route.

With less friction between the air and outside surfaces of the aircraft and serrated edges within components inside the engine, it also makes for a quieter experience, allowing you to doze off into a blissful slumber as the infinite ocean below you passes by.

Smart glass lets you have your window seat and use it too

Ever have an airline flight attendant ask you to shut your window blind, even though you were enjoying watching the world pass you by 35,000 feet below? Yeah, we hate that too. Buying a window seat and then having the only advantage of it taken from you is enough to make anyone bitter.


The new 787’s allow those that want to peer down upon the Earth like a god/goddess to do so without disturbing those looking to sleep away their long-haul flight by employing varying levels of tint that permit window seat fans to do their thing without causing undue stress to those wishing to get some rest.

On a 787, comfort is king

While flying has afforded humanity the privilege of seeing lands that once would have taken weeks or months of risky overland and/or overseas travel, it doesn’t come without its share of discomforts, the rock bottom humidity being chief among them.

Key developments during the construction of this plane have allowed for 15% humidity instead the previously shocking low of 4%, and cabin pressure is now the same as air at 6,000 feet rather than 8 to 9,000 feet in previous configurations, reducing overall fatigue in passengers and crew that fly abroad this new plane.

This article was originally published on www.theworldiscalling.com. Read the original here.

*Image of plane via Shutterstock

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