What to Do if Your Child Runs Away From Home

Some fundamental points by The National Runaway Safeline on what to do if your child runs away from home.
What to Do if Your Child Runs Away From Home
The logos of The National Runaway Safeline and The National Runaway Switchboard.

1. Call the police and file a missing person’s report. Keep in touch with the authorities while your child is missing. 

2. Call the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY. Leave a message on the Safeline for your child. Get in touch with your friends and your child’s friends and tell them to encourage the child to call. The child can leave messages for you as well.

3. Spread the word about your child’s disappearance. Ask people for help and support. Make posters with the child’s photo to post in the area around your home. Contact local TV stations and newspapers.

4. Review all records that can lead you to the child’s whereabouts: phone bills, e-mail activity, credit card activity, bus or airline dockets, bank statements, and employment records.

5. Go to your child’s school. Talk to the teachers, security officers, and administrators there and gather any information that may be useful.

6. Install Caller ID or tracing technology on your home and mobile phones.

7. Take care of your other children and yourself—it is a difficult time for everyone. Counselors at the National Runaway Safeline can help.

Source: The National Runaway Safeline