Viral: Thieves Destroyed By MMA Gas Station Clerk + Related Videos

Mayura Dissanayake — a 5-time MMA national champion in his home country of Sri Lanka, destroys thieves on camera.

Those who believe in karma hold that thieves and robbers will eventually receive punishment for the crimes they commit, even if not by the law.

For a few unlucky ones however, the retribution comes instantly.

Captured on video above is a gas station worker getting jumped for his bank bag by a gang of thieves in the gas station parking lot.

However, working at the same gas station is Mayura Dissanayake — a 5-time MMA national champion in his home country of Sri Lanka.

Upon seeing his co-worker getting bombarded, we see Dissanayake rush out to help, who proceeds to attack and beat down the thieves with ease.

It gets so sad for the thieves that they have to escape on their SUV, and then even so, one thief is not able to make it. Instead, he is forced to lay motionless on the ground, as if he gets up, he has no chance of taking Dissanayake in a fight.

It’s great to see justice served, but this is actually not the only time that thieves or robbers have received ‘instant retribution.’ 

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