Traditional Irish Potato Bread

Traditional Irish Potato Bread
Recipe courtesy of Tracey Jeffery. (Paul Moane for Radiant Life)
Potato bread was a staple food in Ireland and still is to this day! It’s the most delicious part of an Ulster Fry. Use a frying pan and an egg lifter – same as for soda bread. The best potatoes for potato bread are the floury ones!


  • 2 cups (250 g) of mashed potatoes seasoned with salt, pepper and a good glug of milk
  • ½  cup (60 g) of plain flour – I use soda bread flour and it’s perfect.
Mash your potatoes really well. Mix the flour and potatoes together. When the mixture is no longer sticky, the dough is ready. Flour a board and roll the dough out with a rolling pin. Cut into 4 farls (quarters). Cook each side for around 4 minutes until golden brown.

Spread some handmade butter liberally on one side and let it sizzle in the pan for 10 seconds. I love to eat these farls as they come off the griddle!

Thirty minutes from Belfast in an area of scenic natural beauty, Tracey Jeffery shares her vast culinary knowledge with enthusiastic students, welcoming them into her Farmhouse Kitchen with the aroma of homemade traditional breads.
This article was originally featured in Radiant Life Magazine. 
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