Former Korean Movie Association President: ‘They all have lights in their eyes’

“I seem to see everything of China’s past, present, and future.”
Former Korean Movie Association President: ‘They all have lights in their eyes’
Ryang-Ha Yoon, former actor and president of Movie Actors And Actresses Association in Korea. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Ryang-Ha Yoon, former actor and president of Movie Actors And Actresses Association in Korea. (The Epoch Times)" title="Ryang-Ha Yoon, former actor and president of Movie Actors And Actresses Association in Korea. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830626"/></a>
Ryang-Ha Yoon, former actor and president of Movie Actors And Actresses Association in Korea. (The Epoch Times)
SEOUL, South Korea—Ryang-Ha Yoon, former actor and president of the Movie Actors And Actresses Association in Korea, watched the fifth show of Divine Performing Arts at the Universal Arts Center in Seoul on Feb 7.

“Through Chinese classical dance, I seem to see everything of China’s past, present, and future. The dancers and the scenes in the backdrops synchronized each other,“ said, Mr. Yoon a movie actor since 1967. ”The performer put in all their effort and they all have lights in their eyes. It really is a superb show.”

He stated, “Every program had a deep impression on me. In the future, our film crews should also formulate such a group to create a production that’s creative and looking forward to the future.”

“Like what the ancient Chinese poets say, ‘knowing the old, and learning the new can make you someone else’s master,’ today I saw such scenes [of both old and new]. I like poet Du Fu, the show reminds me of his poems. This performance is very interesting.”

The historic Du Fu is a famous Chinese poet in the Tang Dynasty. Like many poets of his time, he did not receive recognition for his poems until well after his death.

Mr. Yoon found that the Divine Performing Arts’ programs can guide our lives. “We can find joy and creativity from rethinking about ourselves and considering about why we came to this world.”

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