Toronto Santa Claus Parade 2013 (Photo Gallery)

Although the forecast warned of heavy showers, the rain held off and the crowds were out in full force to see Santa, his family, and friends parading through the streets of Toronto last Sunday.
Toronto Santa Claus Parade 2013 (Photo Gallery)
Toronto Santa Claus Parade 2013 (DQC Photo)

Although the forecast warned of heavy showers, the rain held off and the crowds were out in full force to see Santa, his family, and friends parading through the streets of Toronto last Sunday.

Beautifully decorated floats, Olympians, marching bands, carollers, clowns, and many more decked the streets to kick off the holiday season.

One of the highlights was the arrival of the postal workers who came to collect the Christmas wish lists from the children gathered in the crowds. Smiles abounded. Santa seems to have pleased the fans yet again.

For those who missed the celebrations, or those who wish to relive the excitement, the parade will be rebroadcast by CTV on Dec. 7 and 8. For more information, visit:

Don Clark is a freelance photographer living in Toronto and the “D” of DQC Photo. For more information visit: Don Quincy or DQC Photo on Facebook or