‘The musicians are so amazing,’ Says Business Owner

Business owner and charity founder Alex Yuen saw Shen Yun for the second time on Saturday night, and this time he brought his wife, Lucy.
‘The musicians are so amazing,’ Says Business Owner
Business owner Alex Yuen and his wife, Lucy, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Mississauga on Jan. 23. Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times
Joan Delaney
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Alex+Yuen-Cropped.jpg" alt="Business owner Alex Yuen and his wife, Lucy, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Mississauga on Jan. 23. (Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times)" title="Business owner Alex Yuen and his wife, Lucy, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Mississauga on Jan. 23. (Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1823740"/></a>
Business owner Alex Yuen and his wife, Lucy, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Mississauga on Jan. 23. (Allen Zhou/The Epoch Times)
MISSISSAUGA, Canada—“It is amazing; it’s just another great production,” said Alex Yuen upon seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts in Mississauga on Saturday night. It was his second time to see the show that portrays the essence of China’s ancient traditions.

However, this was Mr. Yuen’s first time to see the Shen Yun Orchestra, famous for is blend of Western and Chinese instruments.

“The musicians are so amazing. They are so young in age and have so much talent it’s incredible,” he said.

Mr. Yuen is owner of an award-winning software company that provides business solutions to doctors’ offices. He is also the founder and a director of the S’port For Kids Foundation, a charity that has raised nearly $1 million for kids’ sports programs that assist new immigrants, disadvantaged, and less fortunate families across Canada.

Mr. Yuen’s wife, Lucy, from Korea, said the show was “beautiful . . . amazing. It’s just like being in heaven. The costumes and also all of the performers are amazing.”

She said she saw some similarities between the customs of the different provinces of Korea, Tibet, and China. One of Shen Yun’s trademarks is story-based dances that give dramatic portrayal to ancient Chinese myths and legends as well as ethnic dances from surrounding regions.

“You can see so many different provinces, so many different customs. It’s quite moving and I am glad that we share the same culture. Each province is different and each story reminds me of something.”

Mr. Yuen, a Hong Kong native, said he was particularly moved by the piece, Nothing Can Block the Divine Path, in which a mother and daughter who perform Falun Dafa exercises in a park in China are discovered by police.

“The scene where the mother was persecuted was very, very touching,” she said. “It is a reminder to those of us in Canada who enjoy freedom and human rights that we are so lucky.”

Falun Dafa, also called Falun Gong, is a spiritual discipline that was outlawed by the Chinese regime in 1999 and its adherents subjected to arbitrary arrest and torture.

Mr. Yuen was disappointed to hear that the seven shows that Shen Yun had scheduled to play in Hong Kong—which had sold out over the course of a week in December—had to be cancelled because the Hong Kong government rejected some of the performers’ visas.

“That’s not fair to those people,” he said. “Unfortunately Hong Kong has now become part of China, and the so-called ‘special government’ and so forth. But of course at the end of the day, they still have to listen to the central government in China.”

He added that those who live in western democracies “have to remind our Chinese government to [have] respect because we are all in one global family . . . You know we just have to remind ourselves and hope that there will be a better day tomorrow.”

  For more information, please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org.
Joan Delaney
Joan Delaney
Senior Editor, Canadian Edition
Joan Delaney is Senior Editor of the Canadian edition of The Epoch Times based in Toronto. She has been with The Epoch Times in various roles since 2004.
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