“The Christmas Journey”

The Christmas Journey gives a modern retelling of the nativity story.
“The Christmas Journey”

[xtypo_dropcap]J[/xtypo_dropcap]ust in time for Christmas, Donna Van Liere has given us another holiday book. Van Liere is a New York Times best-selling author who specializes in Christmas-themed novels, including the best seller The Christmas Hope.

The Christmas Journey is her eighth seasonal novel, and delivers the same type of insightful, thought-provoking message that her other books have done in past years.

We have our conceptions—mostly through songs and stories—of the journey of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. We have pictured the scene of the baby being born in the barn—a clean, warm setting with friendly animals surrounding the family and visitors showing up bearing gifts.

Van Liere’s story gives us a more realistic picture of what it must have been like for Mary, a young girl, barely a teenager and pregnant—putting up with the scorn and looks from the people in her village. Van Liere takes us through the mind of Mary’s fiancé Joseph, who believes Mary’s account of the conception, and stands by her even though everyone tells him to leave her. They begin the hardship of the 80-mile journey from their village to Bethlehem as Mary nears her due date.

Instead of focusing on just the birth of Jesus and the angels visiting the family in the barn, we see the harsh challenges the two young people face on the long road. Mary is in pain and Joseph is worried that she will deliver before arriving at their destination. They traverse the desert, hills, and valleys with barely enough food to eat, stopping often for Mary to rest.

When they reach Bethlehem, the familiar story continues—but not with the two finding rest in a quiet, warm barn complete with softly glowing animals and soft hay for the baby. Van Liere tells the story in a realistic and detailed way—what it would really be like to give birth in a filthy manger.

And yet, the real beauty of this timeless story is not found in seeing a quaint little barn, with angels hovering around and three wise men showing up with gifts for the baby. The journey and what occurred at the end of the journey remains one of the most powerful events in the world—even though it occurred over 2,000 years ago.

Van Liere’s retelling of the nativity story is accompanied by beautiful and moving illustrations by Michael Storrings. The lovely way the story is told—even though it is in a more graphic way than we are accustomed to—and the beautiful artwork, make this a book that is sure to touch the minds and hearts of readers everywhere. The enduring story and the strength and faith of Mary and Joseph will bless and inspire hope.

It’s not only a wonderful little book to keep around the house and reread each year during the holiday season, but it would make a wonderful gift to give to friends and family.