Teen With Severe Burns All Over Body Is Named Prom Queen

Epoch Newsroom

Kilee Brookbank, 17, was caught in a fire that left her with burns covering nearly half of her body, from which she almost died.

That was 18 months ago.

Now, the Ohio teen has been named Prom Queen of Huntington High School.

In the November 2014 incident, she lit a candle while she was home alone. She wasn’t aware there was a previously undetected gas leak in the house, which ignited, causing a fire, and burning her in the process.

She lost her hair and 45 percent of her skin---leaving scars all over her legs, arms, stomach, and back.

As a result, she spent 38 days in a hospital and underwent several surgeries. There, she got a visit from Justin Bieber.


“I never really thought I'd want to be in a dress again,” Kilee told Inside Edition of her prom. “I just didn’t think I'd be comfortable in my own body.” She also attended her junior prom in 2015. This year, she was named prom queen, the website reported.

But, “that was the best prom ever, and I definitely think it was the most fun I’ve had in a while,” Kilee wrote.


She also explained feeling confident again after suffering horrific burns.

“Putting on my dress felt great,” she wrote on KiCamProjects.com. “Last year, I was wearing long sleeves and a dress I didn’t like that well. It was hard to find something that worked with the garments I had to wear during my recovery. But this year, I was happy I could wear a dress I was in love with.”

She said that her boyfriend Dylan has stuck by her throughout it all.

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