Teacher Finds, Returns $11,000 Cash, Is Better than Us


Driving around Clover, South Carolina, Sherry Whitesides found a big bag of cash. In it was $11,400 in cash. First, she did what many of us would: she took a selfie. But the elementary school teacher then did what most of us wouldn’t: she returned the money.

Whitesides teaches a 4th grade class at Cotton Belt Elementary School in York, S.C. She went to the local police in Clover and dropped off the 114 banded $100 bills.

For those wondering: she did not receive any money for her good deeds.

At the time, she might have been teaching her a son a lesson in morals, but she may be teaching us all a separate one: teachers are somewhat selfless.

According to WBTW, the owner of the money was tracked down, and the money was returned.

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