Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco and Other Weird Food Combinations

Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco and Other Weird Food Combinations
Tara MacIsaac

Taco bell is bringing its waffle taco to 100 more locations this week after the success it received in Southern California, where it was put on the menu in May. Waffles and tacos sound like a strange combination; the breakfast taco, however, contains a fairly standard breakfast fare rolled into one—eggs and sausage in a folded waffle with a side of syrup. 

Locations spread across Fresno, Calif.; Omaha, Neb.; and Chattanooga, Tenn., will offer the waffle taco starting Thursday. The company aims to take a slice of the booming breakfast segment of the dining industry, according to the Los Angeles Times.

As tacos become a breakfast food, The Epoch Times explores unexpected epicurean delights and other weird food combinations.

Facebook followers of Reader’s Digest shared some of their strangely tasty combinations with the publication.

A few highlights include pizza and hazelnut spread; jelly and cheeseburgers; french fries dipped in a chocolate sundae (recommended by a Facebook user for McDonalds dining—two other users also independently recommended this combination); meat sauce and french toast; potato chips in slightly melted vanilla ice cream; freshly popped popcorn in milk (eaten like cereal); and bacon and grape jelly on toast.

Peanut butter was recommended with a variety of other food items on bread or toast—tomatoes, bacon, dill pickle, maple syrup.

On Food52.com, potato chips in sandwiches were popular among multiple people who commented on the page’s call out for weird food combinations. Other user favorites included peanut butter with mint chutney, and black pepper on orange slices.

In a New York Times article from January 2012, Montana Senator Jon Tester’s menu included purple barley mixed in Coop Whip. 

A Canadian favorite that seems weird to some others around the world: cheese curds and gravy on fries, known as poutine.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.