Symphony Founder: ‘Just magical, I am enjoying every bit of it’

Mr. Kraynak, founding chairman of the Allen Park Symphony, enjoyed ‘every bit of it’
Symphony Founder: ‘Just magical, I am enjoying every bit of it’
Mr. Kraynak, founder of a symphony, and his wife loved the show. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. Kraynak, founder of a symphony, and his wife loved the show. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Kraynak, founder of a symphony, and his wife loved the show. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831813"/></a>
Mr. Kraynak, founder of a symphony, and his wife loved the show. (The Epoch Times)
DETROIT—During the show of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center in Detroit, Mr. Edward Kraynak was seen making his way toward the orchestra pit to take a look.

Mr. Kraynak was there with his wife, Susanne Rose, a retired English teacher and the mother of Congressman Thomas E. Price of Georgia.

Mr. Kraynak was the founding chairman of the Allen Park Symphony 54 years ago. Later, that symphony became the Great Lakes Symphony of Southeast Michigan.

“I think it’s [the DPA show] wonderful. It’s so nice to meet the culture from the Far East. I am pleased to see many Chinese people here. I do not know if some travel with the group or just live in different places.

“We are both into everything; literature, arts, all the various likes of humanity. And we enjoyed the performances, we think they are all equally magnificent.

“Yes, yes,” his wife chimed in. He said he particularly enjoyed the “erhu” soloist. “We wondered how she could get such big sound on that type of instrument.”

“It is good to be in touch with ancient history, such as China,” Mr. Kraynak said. His wife agreed saying they have a lot to learn from Chinese culture.

Mrs. Kraynak said the show was “Just magical, I am enjoying every bit of it, very, very lovely. I am especially impressed with the dances. I liked that last one, the Tibetan dance especially, I thought that was wonderful [“Dance of the Snow-Capped Mountain”].

“And I liked the women when they did those magical skirts, where they flung them all around and made such patterns with their skirts [“Yi Ethnic Dance”]. It was beautiful. Quite lovely! It’s just a treat to be here. I am glad they came to visit us here in Dearborn.”

She said their Chinese friends made them especially want to come tonight.

Did the show meet her expectations?

“Oh absolutely! Over and over met. I am impressed with the little girl in the story when her father was killed [she] was so graceful. I study Tai Chi, I have taken Tai Chi lessons for about 20 years now. And so the movements are familiar to me, of course, but I have never seen them done so beautifully as this. It’s a real treat, it really is. It is a lovely adventure to be here.

Summing up the DPA performance, Mr. Kraynak said: “I like the philosophy of the whole production. The meaning of life and the existence that we have. We enjoyed the peacefulness of presentation.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour.
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