Soaking in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Needless to say, the Blue Lagoon in Grindavík, on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland, is just one of many attractions in Iceland that take advantage of the country’s geothermal goodness.
Soaking in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland
The Blue Lagoon Shing Lin Yoong, The Culture map

Iceland is well known for its geothermal energy, and currently holds the title for being the world’s most eco-friendly country – even to the extent that geothermal water is used to heat around 90% of Iceland’s homes, AND keeps main pedestrian streets snow-free in the winter (!!!!).

Needless to say, the Blue Lagoon in Grindavík, on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland, is just one of many attractions in Iceland that take advantage of the country’s geothermal goodness. The pool itself is the bio-product of a geothermal power plant, (sorry if that shatters any illusion of a magical, natural Lagoon!). But after a few hours in there, you'll definitely feel magical, and because the waters are rich in minerals like silica and sulphur, your skin will feel softer than the softest baby’s bottom!

Once arriving at the Blue Lagoon, you weave your way through the lava fields (the whole of Iceland pretty much looks like a huge lava field (a geologist’s dream!)) to the entrance, where you receive your wristbands providing you with access to your lockers. This is the time when you‘ll see a sight full of naked bodies – boobs , bums, tums – nobody cares, no matter the size. Well… although I say nobody cares, it didn’t stop me dashing to the few available cubicles that have doors! Otherwise, you’ll have to undress in an open area, but nobody seems to be bothered about it – after all, we do all have the same bits and bobs, right?!


The Blue Lagoon (Shing Lin Yoong, The Culture map)
The Blue Lagoon Shing Lin Yoong, The Culture map


The changing rooms are impeccable. And your locker opens electronically when you swipe it with your blue wristband

Once entering the milky blue water, you‘ll soon discover there are hotspots scattered everywhere, and frequently hear “Ooohs” and “Aaahs” and words such as ’oooh, I’ve found one, I’m staying put!' – and with an average water temperature of between 37-40°C, you are sure to stay warm and toasty whatever the weather!

Relax in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Scoop down amongst the rocks or use the wooden boxes provided to gather a natural silica mud mask and apply it to your face and body. If you already thought Iceland felt like another planet, just wait until you see a mass of stark white-coloured faces slowly emerging from heavy clouds of steam! Surreal would be an understatement…

Just look at all the Silica and sulphur in the Blue Lagoon. Get scooping and applying!

As well as the waters, there are other facilities within the Blue Lagoon such as a massage waterfall, saunas and steam rooms. Combine them all, and your skin will never have felt so good! Two and a half weeks after, and I’m convinced I can still tell the difference!

I mean, who doesn’t fancy sipping a cold beer or glass of wine whilst bathing in a haze of steaming blue waters, surrounded by mountains coloured in hues of every green, whilst watching the sun set overhead? (I’ve suddenly grown jealous of everyone who’s soaking in the Blue Lagoon as I type).

When finally leaving the Blue Lagoon, with skin like a dried prune make sure to shower and use plenty of the complimentary conditioner provided for your hair, which by now I’m sure you will have realised feels like it is coated with a year’s supply of salt, and resembles Albert Einstein!

Points to Consider

Try and plan: The Blue Lagoon is only a 10 minute drive away from the Airport so it’s a great place to either start or end your trip. I ended my holiday there whilst staying in the Northern Light Inn, I highly recommend staying there, because not only is it a nice quality hotel, but it’s only a 10 minute walk away from the Blue Lagoon and is plonked in the middle of lava fields (who doesn’t want to see that when they look out of their room window?!)

Save money: You have to pay for using towels and dressing gowns, so if you want to save a little money then bring your own towel!

Brittle hair: Nobody wants their hair to feel like a bundle of straw, so either apply masses of conditioner (there’s lots of free conditioner there), or don’t put your head under the water.

Avoid the crowds: The Blue Lagoon is Iceland’s biggest tourist attraction so it can get really busy. It’s opened 10am-8pm from Sept to May and 9am-9pm from June to August so arrive there in the morning, or late afternoon. I went at around 5pm and it wasn’t too busy, plus I was able to float back, and watch the sunset. Belissimo!

Copyright © 2014 by The Culture Map. This article was written by Shing Lin Yoong and originally published on

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