Showers on Great Salt Bay

Mary Byrom explores Great Salt Bay with her paints and easel.
Showers on Great Salt Bay
(Mary Byrom)

I just painted through sunny, cloudy, and rainy weather all in one four day stretch. I didn’t care. I stayed close to Great Salt Bay in Damariscotta, Maine, loving every minute.

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(Mary Byrom)
One day I painted a row of large pine trees ...
Great Salt Bay Pines, 8x16 oil on canvas

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(Mary Byrom)
The next evening I painted a pond and meadows as the sun set behind the distant ridge. Sunset Study, 8x16 oil on canvas

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136567"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
Another evening a huge bank of clouds moved in and the pond had such gorgeous colors... Evening Study, 9x12 oil on panel

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(Mary Byrom)
I love August ! There is a deep summer atmosphere going on. Even on a misty showery day it is very subdued.

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(Mary Byrom)
I stayed near my car in case the clouds decided to drop a lot of rain.

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(Mary Byrom)
It was bright, and the air was thick with moisture

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(Mary Byrom)
The clouds moved steadily overhead. It sprinkled for a few minutes.

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(Mary Byrom)
I kept painting, laying in the muted soft colors I saw in the meadows, trees and distant ridge.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136573"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
Every now and then the sun poked through so I kept my hat on to prevent a sun burn.

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(Mary Byrom)
By mid-morning I finished a painting of the hilly meadow with the trees.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136575"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
Great Salt Bay Farm has a mile of waterfront. Walking trails cross all over the property. I planned to walk down to the shore to paint, but it started to rain.

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(Mary Byrom)
I always carry my binoculars with out they came. They are so handy in a situation like this.

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(Mary Byrom)
I could paint my chosen subject and stay right next to my car !

<a href=""><img src="" alt=" (Mary Byrom)" title=" (Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136578"/></a>
 (Mary Byrom)
I worked on the composition by painting in all the masses of trees, bushes and grass and leaving my lightest water and distant shapes unpainted.

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(Mary Byrom)
I love painting this way because this is how I actually perceive everything...

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136580"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
as interesting arrangements of shapes, lines and masses of different colors.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136581"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
A visitor ! My best friend Libby arrived bringing a basket of blueberries hoping I would pause and have lunch with her. It’s not raining, therefore a perfect time to sit and munch.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136582"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
Then it’s back to the binoculars and paint brushes.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="(Mary Byrom)" title="(Mary Byrom)" width=" 575" class="size-medium wp-image-136583"/></a>
(Mary Byrom)
I look through the binoculars and stare intently at the trees. I memorize what I see. I put the binoculars away and paint. Gustav Klimt did this for some of the landscapes he painted. That’s where I got the idea.

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(Mary Byrom)
It’s still threatening to rain, but I know I have go paint at Oyster Creek before I pack up the brushes for the day.

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(Mary Byrom)
I park near the bridge looking up the creek at a farm on the distant bank.

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(Mary Byrom)
It is getting late now and I know I have to move fast on this one. I sketch in the shapes on a 16x20 panel.

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(Mary Byrom)
The tide has turned, it is just starting to go out.

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(Mary Byrom)
I mix a batch of colors. I place the color notes and values, picking and choosing as I go, painting with a large brush so I can get this scene down fast!

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(Mary Byrom)
This creek is way up at the top of the Great Salt Bay. It’s tidal but the land around it looks more like inland Maine.

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(Mary Byrom)
It’s almost evening but I still have enough light from the high overcast sky.

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(Mary Byrom)
I like the feeling of this open expanse of water. I wish I was painting this view on a bigger panel so I could put in more details.

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(Mary Byrom)
The breeze started to pick up and create patterns on the surface of the water. Is this a sign of rain coming?

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(Mary Byrom)

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