Shen Yun: ‘WOW! It was just absolutely breathtaking!’ Says Board President

“I found it to be very, very interesting. It was just absolutely breathtaking,” said Ms. KL Daly.
Shen Yun: ‘WOW! It was just absolutely breathtaking!’ Says Board President

CHICAGO—“I found it to be very, very interesting. It was just absolutely breathtaking,” said Ms. KL Daly. The Board President for the Miss Illinois Scholarship Association caught Saturday evening’s presentation of Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company at the Civic Opera House, April 23.

“The dance was spectacular. The one with the fan, the pink cherry blossoms [Plum Blossom], that was just absolutely breathtaking.”

Ms. Daly expressed amazement for Shen Yun’s vocalists. Referring to the performance, “The Choice,” she said, “I have never, ever heard a contralto sing before. And when she started to sing, I was thinking to myself, how could such a strong, robust voice come out of such a small, little lady? I had to look twice to see if somebody else was singing with her. I’d never heard that before. What a beautiful voice! So we’re really glad that we came.”

Shen Yun presents colorful and exhilarating performances of classical Chinese dance and music. She was moved by the depth of the performances and said, “You know it’s going to be different, but then when you see it, this is really, really unique.”

Ms. Daly explained that she has never seen anything to compare to Shen Yun. “I’m a part of the Miss America organization. I am accustomed to seeing unusual dance. So, I’ve seen large, theatrical performances; I’ve seen choreographed production numbers, but nothing ever quite like this. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything of quite this depth. To us it’s WOW. This was a WOW!!

She added if she were to describe Shen Yun in one word, she could say it was: “Spectacular!”

Reporting by Catherine Wen and Jeanmarie Lunsford.

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform at Chicago’s Civic Opera House through April 24. For more information, visit