Shen Yun ’very graceful, very uplifting’

A mother and daughter see Shen Yun for the first time in Vancouver and were captivated by the show.
Shen Yun ’very graceful, very uplifting’
VANCOUVER, Canada—Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company graced the stage at Queen Elizabeth Theatre on Friday night for the second show of its five-show run in Vancouver. It was the first time for Cinzia and her mother, Ms. Pichon, to see the premier classical Chinese dance and music company and they were very impressed.

“I thought it was wonderful. I loved the dances, the colours, the costumes. It was very graceful, very uplifting, very nice stories,” said Cinzia.

Ms. Pichon, an Italian who has been in Canada for three years, works for the government of Thailand as the Consular Stop. She was charmed by the singers. “They had great voices . . . so powerful, so captivating,” she said.

Cinzia had special praise for the “Handkerchief” dance.

“Very nice, difficult, it’s not easy to make those [handkerchiefs] turn and flip them up in the air and catch them all in time, and coordinating all the dancers, that is not easy. It was so beautiful,” she said.

The Shen Yun International Company Orchestra features a masterful fusion of Western and Chinese instruments and performs original compositions to accompany each dance.

“The music was very appropriate for the dances,” said Cinzia. “Everything flowed so well, the orchestra and the dancers flowed so well—it was perfect.”

“The music was great, the musicians were very good,” Ms. Pichon agreed.

Both mother and daughter appreciated the light-hearted introductions presented by the two hosts to tell the stories and highlight the cultural and historical significance behind each dance.

“I think it was important for us to get the background so that we could understand what they were doing. I thought that it was well done, because it is contemporary artists [performing] dances with a historical background, so I thought how they matched it was really well done,” Cinzia said.

With reporting by Sherry Dong.

Shen Yun will play three more shows at Queen Elizabeth Theatre: Saturday 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday 2:00 p.m.

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