Shen Yun ‘Touches My Heart,’ Says Retired Ballet Dancer

Apr 10, 2017
Shen Yun ‘Touches My Heart,’ Says Retired Ballet Dancer

“It touches my heart. The stories that they relate are the history, its culture, and it makes me sad, and also makes me joyful that this particular group [Shen Yun] is able to take so much of the beauty of the culture, and remove it from barriers, and bring it out alive again for the world to enjoy.”

“It’s wonderful. They [dancers] are very dedicated. Their precision is right on. Their emotions that they bring through are really inspiring.”

“It brings a tremendous amount of sincere beauty from the hearts and the souls of the Chinese people.”

“I give [Shen Yun] a very high rating. The music, the colors of the costumes, everything put together. It was the best I’ve ever seen.”

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