School Superintendent: ‘Everyone can learn from it’

The enthusiastic crowd gave a standing ovation for the Shen Yun show.
School Superintendent: ‘Everyone can learn from it’
Seattle school superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her daughter at the Seattle production of Shen Yun Performing Arts NTDTV
Ryan Moffatt
<a><img src="" alt="Seattle school superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her daughter at the Seattle production of Shen Yun Performing Arts  (NTDTV)" title="Seattle school superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her daughter at the Seattle production of Shen Yun Performing Arts  (NTDTV)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828180"/></a>
Seattle school superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her daughter at the Seattle production of Shen Yun Performing Arts  (NTDTV)

SEATTLE, Washington—Seattle school superintendent Dr. Goodloe-Johnson and her young daughter joined the packed house at Paramount Theatre to watch Shen Yun Performing Arts take the stage on Saturday afternoon, May 23. 

The enthusiastic crowd gave a standing ovation to the returning production that inspired audience members during a previous run in Seattle earlier this year.

Presenting Chinese culture through dance, song, and stories from China’s different dynasties and regions, New York-based Shen Yun has consistently wowed audiences with its colorful and exciting productions.

“I thought it was excellent. The costumes were beautiful. The choreography, the precision. We really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful show,” said Dr. Goodloe-Johnson.

She especially liked Chopstick Zest, an all-male Mongolian dance. She also enjoyed the drumming that is featured prominently in two programs, Victory Drums and Drummers of the Tang Court. Drums play an important role in Chinese culture, and the powerful drumming in these two acts evokes inner strength and perseverance.

Dr. Goodloe-Johnson saw the Shen Yun as a great opportunity to learn about true Chinese culture.

“We have a very diverse population in Seattle, and many of our students in the public schools are of Chinese heritage, so absolutely they would enjoy it. It’s good for all of our children, because everyone can learn from it.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts Spring Tour 2009. For more information please visit

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