Shen Yun Returns to Sweden

The Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour arrived at Stockholm on March 18 to perform for the second consecutive year.
Shen Yun Returns to Sweden
Cirkus, Stockholm's multi-purpose theater and venue for the Shen Yun Performing Arts. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Cirkus, Stockholm's multi-purpose theater and venue for the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)" title="Cirkus, Stockholm's multi-purpose theater and venue for the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829559"/></a>
Cirkus, Stockholm's multi-purpose theater and venue for the Shen Yun Performing Arts. (The Epoch Times)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden—The Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour arrived at Stockholm on March 18 to perform for the second consecutive year. The venue for the shows was once again the distinguished Cirkus, a multi-purpose theater located in the recreational and cultural district of the city, the Royal Djurgarden.
The Shen Yun performances last year left cherished impressions on the Swedish audience, among them many dignitaries and professional artists. When the news of Shen Yun’s return to Sweden became known, many sent their greetings to support the shows.

Katja Björner, acclaimed solo dancer of the Royal Swedish Opera, said in her greetings published in the show program that the exquisite Shen Yun artists “opened a new world that she had never seen before.”

”A wonderful treasure! As I myself danced the Swan Lake in China last summer, to experience the art of genuine Chinese dance by Shen Yun enriched me very much,” she said.

In another welcome message, Dr. Chiu Jong-Jen, representative of the Taipei Mission in Sweden, said that he hoped that traditional Chinese culture could be “enshrined for the audience” through Shen Yun.

“The magnificent stage performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts expresses the essence of Chinese culture, which could be summed-up as reverence for nature and for the spiritual. It also gives birth to ethics of mankind based on rites, honor, loyalty, humanity, faith, and peace. … It fills me with an indescribable feeling of happiness,” wrote Dr. Chiu.

Nineteen Members of the Swedish Parliament signed a joint statement proclaiming the right to benefit from the Chinese cultural heritage that has been suppressed during many years of communist government in China.

Through a combination of beauty, strength, and joy, Shen Yun shows what the traditional Chinese culture has to offer mankind. It is an indispensable human cultural heritage that we all can get acquainted with, according to the joint welcome statement.

Shen Yun presents traditional Chinese culture in a show consisting of a program of 20 masterful dances, music, and songs that revive China’s celebrated history on stage. Classical Chinese dance is a comprehensive system of dances passed down through Chinese history by common people as well as by members of imperial courts. It has three unique components: technique, bearing, and form.

In an interview with The Epoch Times, Michelle Ren, a principal dancer of Shen Yun, said the dance not only displays high artistry, but also contains deep resonance of traditional Chinese culture—a divinely inspired heritage.

This year, Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour will perform in more than 80 cities worldwide.  Wherever Shen Yun goes the audience is thrilled.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit