Musician: ‘Music composition is very, very nice’

“The music composition is very, very, nice. Believe me. as a musician I know how good it is.
Musician: ‘Music composition is very, very nice’

PASADENA, Calif.— Mr. Robinson, a professional musician, and his wife were among the enthusiastic audience members attending the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium where the sights and sounds of ancient China came alive on Friday evening, May 8.

Mr. Robinson was full of praise for the music composition. “I appreciate the music, the instrumentation, and the orchestra,” he said.

“The music composition is very, very, nice. Believe me, as a musician I know how good it is. Most people wouldn’t understand the combination of violins, the [other] instruments with strings, and horns.
“But the composer has done an excellent job in making the music the best it could [be]. My compliments to the composer.”

The Shen Yun Performing Arts orchestra brings together two of the world’s greatest classical music traditions, Chinese and Western, in a masterful fusion. With Western instruments as its base, the orchestra brings out Chinese musical flair through a variety of Chinese instruments.

Mr. Robinson was also impressed with the technical aspects of the show saying that the sound was very clear. “We could hear perfectly. So everyone is doing a great job. I love it.”

Mrs. Robinson found the show very entertaining and thought the performers were beautiful, saying, “It’s very elegant. Very well done. Very precise ... It is a beautiful, cultural event. Beautifully done.”

She also said she felt it was “very classic,” and that the colors were beautiful.

Mrs. Robinson was particularly impressed by the soloists saying they were “wonderful.

“The lady who sang. She has a tremendous, beautiful voice. And also this lady who was a virtuoso. Those two ladies really impressed me the most,” she said

New York-based Shen Yun is reviving the ancient culture and traditions of China’s 5,000-year-old civilization through stories, myths, and legends told through Chinese classical dance, a live orchestra with Western and Chinese instruments, state of the art digital backdrops, and master solo singers.

Shen Yun will have two more shows in Pasadena on Saturday and Sunday, May 9 and 10, before traveling a short distance south to Orange County for two additional performances.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts Spring Tour 2009. For more information please visit

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