Shen Yun ‘Really impressive’

Mr. Tibbits thought that Hawaii provides the perfect setting for the beauty of Shen Yun.
Shen Yun ‘Really impressive’
Jeff and Orathin Tibbits at the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall (The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="Jeff and Orathin Tibbits at the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall (The Epoch Times)" title="Jeff and Orathin Tibbits at the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1819005"/></a>
Jeff and Orathin Tibbits at the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall (The Epoch Times)
HONOLULU, Hawaii—Jeff Tibbits, a retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, and his wife Orathin Tibbits were delighted that Shen Yun was in Hawaii. Having seen the 2009 Global Tour Shen Yun performance at the Kennedy Center in Washinton D.C. last year, they were looking forward to seeing Shen Yun once again on the evening of June 5th, at the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall.

LTC. Tibbits thought that Hawaii provides the perfect setting for the beauty of Shen Yun.

“I think the nice, the beautiful thing of course about Hawaii is, it’s a blending of all the cultures here, so this is a very good place to bring this (Shen Yun),” he said.

He praised the different features of the show, saying, “The music, the costumes, the backdrop, everything, very well done, very graceful. The dancers were extremely graceful, the music was excellent.”

He said he was particularly looking forward to the solo performance with the erhu, the Chinese two-stringed instrument.

“That was really impressive, very, very enjoyable.”

Mrs. Tibbits enjoyed the show as well. “Excellent, that was really beautiful,” she said about the show.

As a person who is part Chinese, the show holds special meaning for her, “ I just feel like that’s a little piece of my culture.”

LTC. Tibbits added, “(We) were delighted that Shen Yun was in Hawaii.”

Shen Yun Conveys ‘peace and harmony, good will toward men’

Wade Nishimoto, who is in sales, and Michelle Lee, a medical staff specialist, were also drawn to the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall the evening of June 5th to watch Shen Yun.

“I liked the show very much. It’s my first classical type of dancing show, but I find it very interested and the costumes are very nice, and they dance good, really good,” Mr. Nishimoto said.

Ms. Lee, who has been involved in  hula dance for a number years, said she found this evening’s performance to be “beautiful”.

“I love it, it’s very cultural, and I’m enjoying myself very much. I like the way that they dance in uniformity,” she said.

“The costumes are very interesting, a lot of colors, the dancers, they look like they are gliding across the floor.”

She said the show also had a lot of good messages, messages of “peace and harmony, goodwill toward men.”

The messages were particularly soothing to her “considering the chaos that our world seems to be in, it just has a calming effect on me as I watch the dances and the messages being portrayed.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts will perform one more shows in Honolulu at the Blaisdell Concert Hall at 2.00pm on Sunday June 6. For more information, visit


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